Well i hope you are all still having that fabulous weather that keeps being reported here, i am sat here in my two tops, cardigan, jumper and fleece. Yes its cold.
So i went on the neighbours tour yesterday, i was the only person on the tour on my own, but i didnt care, i was just excited to be there. we went on the neighbours tour bus to look at the school (which is actually a real school, although they only use the outside), then went to the lassiters complex and lake, which was really bazaar because it is so different to how it looks on television, it is really tiny! i could literally spit from one side to the other (i didnt), it is amazing how they use camera angles to make it look completely different. they also use lots of lighting and editing to make it always look sunny, and because it is filmed four months in advance to when it is shown, they have to make it look like a differnt time of year. so they make the actors eat ice cubes in the winter so they dont have condensation on their breath (as it is suppose to be summer) and make them wear heat packs on their bodies so they can walk around in their t-shirts. They also use the buildings and studio for more than one purpose, they just swap the signs and then shoot if from a differnt angle, for example the prison, airport and police station are all exactly the same building. Was quite cool to see how they filmed it. We then went to the street and again, was totally shocked about how it looks, it really is absolutely tiny. also there is a huge electricity pole outside susan and karls house, but you never see it becasue of the clever camera angles. After that we went to St Kilda and met with Janelle! (the blonde bogan mum who isnt in it any more). was really cool to meet here, most people couldnt think of anything to ask her, but i thought of a few questions so we had a bit of a chat. you will see in the pics she now has brown hair, and she was actually quite posh. Sorry if you dont watch neighbours, none of that would have meant anything to you!!!
In the evening lee and i went to the southbank where there is a huge entertainment complex there (where tom cruise and katy holmes are currently staying) and went to the casino where i wasted a whole $1 on the slot machines. The southbank is really pretty especially at night.
I have now booked my onward flight from Perth to Darwin, but i am really annoyed as it has gone up by $150 since i first looked at it, which is really frustrating! but i had to just book it. i am then thinking about booking a tour from Darwin to Uluru (ayres Rock) to camp in the bush, then flying from there back to sydney to get my connecting flight to new zealand, so i need to sort out flights and stuff for that when iget the chance. Lee has booked his flight back to sydney on thursday, and he will be going to new zealand after that. it is a shame because he had offered to teach me how to ski, but i will just have to fall about the place on my own now instead!
Think thats it for now, will update more when i can!
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