I am now in another new state, and in melbourne. After my annoying day in sydney spent at the dentists forking out a fortune, i had nice plans for my last day in sydney. however that was then scuppered as i ended up spending half the day at the doctors and forking out another $250 to see a doctor and for medicine as i have picked up yet another infection. dammit. so never got to do the walking tour that i wanted and am even more broke. i cant believe how many times i have got ill since i have been away. Anyway so got my flight on thursday to melbourne. Lee is still with me as he didnt manage to get his flights sorted in time. So we arrived in melbourne to a rainy day (And it has just rained since) and it is also extremely cold. Very cold. Freezing. this has ben made worse as we are watching reports on the news about the 30C heat you guys are getting, while we are freezing our butts off. From what i had heard about melbourne, i thought i would prefer melbourne to sydney, as it is supposed to be more arty and european. however i was quite shocked when igot here, and i would definitly say that i prefer sydney, melbourne is a lot rougher, more 'dodgy' people walking around, colder, and really, honestly i would say bristol is nicer. there are some nice bits, but really it is just another city. the one thing it does have is lots of abstract and unusual buildings, which are quite interesting. lots of strange shapes, metal and glass (a haven for all urban geographers out there - thats you Emma and Kate).
Yesterday, we wondered around the town, went to federation square (where most of the unusual buildings are), the national gallery, before we eventually got rained off. i also booked myself on a NEighbours Tour!!!! which i am insanely excited about. i am going on it tomorrow (Lee has refused to come, something about it being sad, i didnt really listen to him) and i get to go to the street, the lassiters complex, greese monkeys, the school and a few other places, and i also get to meet a neighbours star! i can honestly say i am more excited about this that anything else i have done in australia.
Today we just wondered around town again, and spent most of the day in melbourne museum, which was really good.
At the moment i would really like to leave australila, as i have said previously i have not really enjoyed australia very much. perhaps becasue it is so cold, i dont know. but i am thinking that i am not going to move on to new zealand just yet as i dont want to regret not giving myself the chance to see the west a bit and north, which i think i will like more. so i am going to try and book an onward flight from perth to darwin and spend some time up there in the heat. i am also really missing home at the moment, and am really worried about money which are both making me think about coming home sooner. Anyway, am super excited about going on the neighbours tour tomorrow, i really hope i get to meet karl kennedy, if i do i think i will just wet my pants or something equally as embarresing. what would i say to him?, i mean, its Dr Karl? also trying to decide what i should wear. dont want to look like i am trying too hard. i hope i get to meet him and not some random star that i dont really know. Anyway, thats it for now. Speak soon xxxx
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