Sorry i haent written for a while, i havent had internet access for a while, nor have i had any mobile phone reception, so sorry if you have text and i havent replied.
So in Cairns we met some really nice people in our hostel, one of them was from Clevedon of all places!!! There isnt a great deal to do in Cairns, unless you are going out and getting drunk every night, which i really didnt want to do, and plus cant really afford it, alcohol is quite expensive here (along with everyone else). WE also had a couple of days of rain, which limmits what you can do. So we decided to rent a camper van!!! We rented it do go a bit further north, then do the journey down to Brisbane. It is quite cool, all brand new with a fridge and a hob and a little sink. So we left Cainrs and went up the highway to Port Douglas, a cute littel sea side down. we stopped a lot along the way but because the weather has been miserable, we didnt spend any time on the beaches, which is such a shame. We are trying to avoid staying in camp sites to save money, so we parked the van on a raod by the beachand asked a couple of other people nearby who were camping there if it was ok, they said they hadnt had any problems. we then got woken up at 7am by an inspector giving us a warning and telling us to get lost. was a bit scary. there wasnt that much to do in Port Douglas, especially as the weather was still miserable, so we headed on up to Cape Tribulation, which is supposed to have some of the most beautiful beaches in teh world. it is a national park in the rainforst, so we went on some rainforest walks to see some waterfalls and then to hte beaches, which were indeed very beautiful, although we couldnt enjoy them as you cant swim in the sea, and also the weather was rainy anyway. we camped that night in the rainforest, hooping not to be attacked by these giant birds called Cassowarys, which attack people. it was really beautiful, although i dont think i have ever been anywhwere so dark!!! WE actaully camped in a camp site (and even paid for it) that time. I had read in our guide book that there was a town called Laura further north that had some aboriginal cave art work, so we decided to head for there. however we didnt quite realise just how far away it was. once we left cape tribulation we went from rainforest to bush, and it was so beautiful, proper outback like you see on the films. we stopped at an outback bar on the way which was an expereince! We drove for about 5 hours (dodging cows in the middle of the road) before we realised we werent even close to this place, and as it getting dark, we asked a man doing road works how far it was and his response was 'what d'ya wanna go there for?' appranetly the cave art wasnt worth it, so we turned around and went to a 'service station' we had passed and used their toilets and showers (which was a relief, hadnt showered fora few days and was starting to look even more disgusting than i usually do), ate in the local pub and then camped on a look out over looking the mountains (again for free, woop woop), it was so beautiful and i have never seen so many stars. It was cool just driving through the outback, even if we didnt get to see anything at the end of it!!! we could drive for miles and miles without seeing another car, and we basically drove from portishead to scotland and back only seeing two service stations, and we only covered a centimetre or so on our map, your perception of distance really changes here. So today we are driving around the atherton tablelands, and we have already been to a mango winery this monring (yes of course we had lots of tasters) and are now looking for waterfalls, food that we can cook on our rubbish hob and a place to camp for free tonight. Happy birthday to Joe, i dont have any mobile reception but if i get any later i will text you!!! sorry if this is a load of gibberish i am in a tiny public library in a tiny town with only half an hour to use the internet so i am trying to think of what to say and type realy fast! Think thats it, oh yea, there is a walls icecream here called 'gaytime' with the slogan, 'its hard to have a gaytime on your own' ahh little things....
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