G'day Mates!
Again, sorry for lack of updates, stupid country.
So since i last spoke, Lee and I managed to avoid swine flu on the Whitsundays, and drove down teh coast to Hervey bay, and went on a day trip to Fraser Island. We were in a group with about forty other people in this huge 4x4 bus that took us round the isalnd to see all the natural wonders, which were amazing, we drove along 70 mile beach (yes its that long), saw coloured rocks (exciting tous geographers), creeks, sand dunes, and went a really beautiful lake, which was filled with just rain water (no water from streams) so it was really clear, although freezing cold. we went for a swim in it though because we felt like we didnt want to waste the opportunity to swim somewhere with out sharkes, deadly jellys or crocs. All in all we had a good day, and were kind of glad we didnt do the trip on our own or with a group of others, as the 4x4 tracks that we would have had to have driven on would have been a nightmare. people on the bus kept saying how it was the bumpiest ride they have ever been on (i was likje, yeah you have been to cambodia), but the bus was specially adapted for it. We even saw humpback whales and dolphines in the sea, although from a distance. So the day after we drove to Noosa, a nice little town with some pretty shops and a beach. Then we stopped over night at a camp site near teh zoo, and went to Australia zoo yesterday. i knew it was basically going to be a massive tribute to Steve Irwin, but i was still surprised nonetheless how the whole place has pictures everwhere of him and his (evil in my opinion) daughter Bindy, its kind of well, weird. WE saw kangaroos (live ones for a change, rather than dead ones at the side of the road), wombats (which i loved), koalas, cassowarys (or as we call them wonkadoos, they are common in northern queensland), tasmanian devils, crocodiles, elephants, tigers etc. i also had my picture taken of me holding a koala, which was so cool, i loved it. i thought their fur would be bristly, but it was really soft and cute to cuddle.
So we arrived in brisbane today having driven from cainrs to brisbane, which is the same as driving from london to moscow in distance, only to release when we went to return the van that we had got the date wrong! or rather they man in the cainrs office had written the wrong date on the form, and we were actually supposed to retun it yesterday! so we were annoyed as we ended up having to pay more. felt sad leaving the van, i think i iwll miss it, and will miss having teh independance to go where we want, although i will not miss the freezing cold nights. it is really very very cold here, to the point where i have had to go jumper shopping, and am going to have to buy more warm clothes. it really is freezing here. we wondered a bit around brisbane, before we got the train to meet one of lees relatives, who we are staying with for a few days. they are so so nice and have really welcomed us into their home. i am going to go and sit in front of the fire now and eat some strawberries. yum. oh more news on the cheese front, yesterday i ate a cheese and ham roll, and today i had lasagne. get me. one cheese step at a time. will up load photos asap..
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