Well today is my last day in Fiji, i fly out to LA tonight! Sorry havent been online much, as i sadi before interent is not that great here, plus havent been up to that much! just so you know my phone is still playing silly b*****s, when i send a text it tells me that it has failed but then some people seem to get my message 5 times, whereas other times it doesnt seem to get through at all (well i dont get a reply so thats what i assume!). So if you havent heard much from me it may be that i have been sending you messages buyt they are not getting through. Dont know what my phone will be like in America. This may well be my last blog entry, as i doubt there are going to be many internet cafe's along my route! But i will try my best. So will try to give a quick recap of that last week in Fiji!
Last time i wrote i was on Bounty Island. After that we moved to Manta Ray island in the Yasawa Island group. i was glad as the food was a million times better than Bounty, which makes all the difference. I didnt get to see any manta rays, as the snorkelling trip cost $25 and generally people werent seeing very much, so decided against it. I went on a village trip to a Fijian village on one of the near by islands instead. it was a really beautiful village wiht lots of pretty houses and some of the traditional bures still there. i visited the school, church and some of the local houses. then went to buy some bracelets from some of the local women. it was really nice to see people still living tradtionally and nice to see a bit of normal Fiji. After Manta Ray Island we took the day coming back to the mainland (on the bumpiest vomit inducing boat ride). I managed to meet up with my friend Ellen who i met in Auckland and we checked in to a hostel in Nadi. since then not been doing that much, generally lying on the beach reading my book, hanging out with Ellen, doing some coconut jewellery making, talking with the crazy lady who runs the hostel called 'Mama' who cooks the breakfast in her Pajamas and screams 'Daaaaarling' as you walk in the room and then squeezes me so tight i cant breathe. very funny character. I have also walked into Nadi town and done some looking around the shops. The people in Fiji are generally really friendly and i am going to miss that. My body has got pretty tanned now, but for some reason my face is as white as a porcelein doll, and since i think i am going to find the UK pretty cold no one is going to see my tan, which is a shame (you will just have to belie ve me that its there!)
So tonight i am flying to LA, leaving here 10pm fijian time on tuesday, arriving 1pm LA time on tuesday. so i am going to be going back in time (in the words of hughie lewis i think? holly help me out)! Lee has kindly said that i can tag along for the rest of the trip as we are on the same flight home. We have rented a car and are going to drive straight to Las Vegas where we have got a room in the MGM Grand! we were going to go to a hostel but i have heard some horror stories about the hostels in Vegas so decided against it. we got a special deal where we payed for a better room, but got $25 of hotel credit a day so worked out cheaper than getting the cheapest room! Plus lee insisted that we have this room beacuse it says in the description that the bathroom has a TV in the mirror so you can watch it when in the toilet or shower. so of course we had to have that room. Lee is going to be on a stag do with some friends from home whilst in vegas, so i will probably be on my own most of the time, dont know what i am going to do as i have no money to gamble (except the $25 of freee credit which i doubt will last long!). will probably just stay in my room and watch TV on the toilet. Life doesnt get much better than that. I am really looking forward to seeing Vegas, i think it is going to be like nothing else i have seen before, althoguh going to be tiring at first as i wont have slept for over 24 hours when i get there the ngoing to drive for 5 hours to get to vegas. after Vegas we are going to aim for the Grand Canyon, and then see what time we have left after that.
I think that's it! Like i said i am home on Tuesday 8th September, and i cant wait to see you all, i cant believe my trip has nearly come to an end and i am going to go home and face normal life again.
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