We went to a market and I saw lots of mommy's favorite things but we couldn't get them because we didn't have a anything to put them in.
I also saw some that were originally white but people dyed them different colors.
here are the colors:
1. yellow
2. purple
3. red
4. dark blue
5. pink
6. dark green
7. light green
The market was really, really busy! Every 3 seconds I was touching someone I didn't know. There was probably 100 people sharing the space that you would use for 5 people in America. The Chinese seem very comfortable being so close to each other. The people were all carrying something. What do you think it is?
I will give you three clues.
1: They are super pretty!
2: They smell really good!
3: They come in exquisite colors!
That is all I have to say about the flower market.
We went to the goldfish market and on the way we saw puppies and cats and I think I saw the biggest turtle I have ever seen in my entire life! We looked at the fish. They were all in bags hanging on a rack outside the stores. The next thing you know we were getting fish (I convinced my Mom because I found out they were good luck at Chinese New Year and it is Chinese New Year)!
We have 13 little fish and they are all orange with black in the shape of mickey mouse's head on their tails. I was so keen on knowing what they were called that I looked it up and found out they were called Mickey Mouse Platys. I put a leaf plant in their tank that we got for them. We also put a ship that has holes in it so the fish can swim through it. p.s. they do use it and I think the fish think it's cool!
Thank you. That is all I have to say about the fish market!
-We went to the bird market and I think It was really boring. I mean there were like maybe 20 birds.
I also think that the bird market is very popular! No, I'm kidding I only saw like
5-10 people there.
p.s. It was probably the most boring thing I saw.
p.s.s. My Mom told me later it was because it was closing.
That is all I have to say about the bird market.
That is all I have to say about all the markets I went to.
- comments
Belly Wow! I still cant believe we got the fish! They've been keeping me company when i go to sleep and wake up! Sometimes I even talk to them!
Aunt DeeAnn Wow -- you got fish!!! I've never heard of a Mickey Mouse Platy. Send a picture if you can. And thanks so much for describing the flower market -- you know how much Aunt DeeAnn loves flowers -- I wish I could be there too!
Gran Gautney Thanks, Rosie - Interesting that the Chinese have separate places for their animals for sale. What is their posture toward animals? What do they eat? What do they honor? Love you! Glad you have fish to keep you company!!
Paige Vittoria, how exciting that you have new fish! I hope they bring you a lot of good luck! I am wondering how the food is in Hong Kong. I hope to see a picture of your fish! I can't imagine going to a market in America where they sell birds or puppies. It is very interesting to hear how the Chinese live. I hope you like China and enjoy the celebration! Love, Paige