Ron's Adventures
Hi all
This is my last day of travelling so you won't have to read anymore of these postcards.
I'm excited about going home and seeing friends but at the same time I could carry on travelling. The more you see, the more you realise there is to see. But money doesn't last forever...
I had a lovely few days, without much incident, lying on the beach of Ko Samet.
So some overall observations and frequently asked questions - in no particular order:
The Most Hated Travellers
1 Americans - boy have they made themselves unpopular. Saying you're a yank is like farting in an elevator. The Canadians are so desperate not to be confused that they cover their bags with Maple Leaf flags and wear "I'm a Canadian" t-shirts.
The Most Common Travellers
1 The English - is anyone aged between 20 and 30 left in England? Everywhere you go, especially in Oz and NZ of course but loads here in Thailand as well. It's as if no-one likes being at home. I became quite determined about saying I was Irish just to distinguish myself from the crowd. Though the Thai people hear 'Ireland' as 'Holland' which isn't good.
The Food Item I Missed Most
1 Not tea actually. Freshly squeezed orange juice. Even in Oz and NZ. They insist on putting salt and sugar in it.
What I'll Do When I Get Home
Cuddle Bea.
Did I Miss Home?
No. Just friends and Bea.
The great thing about travelling is...
...that people don't judge you in the same way as they do back home. It's not 'who you know' or 'what you do', it's 'where you've been' and 'where you're going to'.
Any Regrets?
None, except maybe that I didn't do it sooner.
Would I do it again?
Like a shot.
I'm so glad I brought...
...the Ipod (thanks guys). It helped me through many long journeys.
I wish I'd left behind...
...some clothes I realised I didn't need. You don't need much.
My biggest epiphany...
...I can do it.
Scariest moment
Jumping off a cliff in NZ.
Most Bizarre Moment
New Zealand again. Winning a cross-dressing competition in a bar in the middle of no-where with a room full of straight pissheads.
Most Awesome Place(s)
I couldn't pick just one, but there were three times I had a profund reaction to the sheer beauty of the landscape around me.
1 Australia, Kakadu National Park, dawn cruise along a river
2 Australia, King's Canyon, hiking around it
3 NZ, Tongariro Crossing, sitting with a warm bum on a volcano and staring at an ice lake in the distance through a sulphurous smelling mist
Person I'll Miss the Most
Kristy (of course)
Most Moving Experience
The amputees playing football at the Landmine Museum in Cambodia.
Maddest Person I Got to Know
Tori (of course)
I really hate...
1 Pissheads on tour
2 Squat toilets
3 The fact that I can't keep travelling forever like Dr Who
Most surprising place...
Cambodia. So beautiful and such friendly people that given the horrors of their relatively recent history it restores some of your faith in human spirit. Now I know what Richard Peach was talking about (one for the A&O people).
Silliest Thing I Did
Many, many silly things. Rolling down a hill inside a plastic ball partially filled with water felt very silly.
What I'll Miss Most about Travelling is...
...the people that you meet along the way that make it all worthwhile, fun and occasionally bizarre.
Thank you!
The End?
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