Hello Steve (a,k,a the boy)
Sorry to here youv'e made it on the mossey menu boy he he ! ah well, they were bound to get a taste for you in the end. Just took a bit of getting use to i suppose. All that alchole i expect sweetend the taste (your blood is probably pure larger by now!). Your trip in the helecopter sounds fantastis. I so want to come out to meet up with you and dive on the barrier reef by your side. That would be so special. Well if you get you padi certificate prehaps we can plan it for the red sea (Egypt). I hope to do the wreak and night dive course when we are in cyprus. Well i sat here waiting for you to appear on line but you are not here. Ive set up g/dads msn, he has the old version. It was a nightmare, had to keep resetting the password dont know why? Bloody thing. Look out for him when you log on. Continue having the time of your life and hope you got the email. Love you boy byeeeeee
Rob's Dad
Rob I was thinking last night, as I was drinking the last of your beers, about the merits of a dirty pint. Nothing wrong with the beer you left behind you understand but dirty pints I just don't get it. I think the options are as follows:
1/ Drink a dirty pint and have a great night out but throw cake at people and drop girls on their heads
2/ Drink a dirty pint and have a great night out with a two way trip to A&E and no recollection of what happened
3/ Drink a dirty pint and have a great night out with a one way trip to A&E
Maybe I've missed something. If I find any more of your beer, I will give it some more thought.
ellloooo bruvaaaa!! thanx for ur little msg, i had a wicked time in irland! its so pretty there, the views r lovely! greg totally spoilt me. the flight on the way home woz horrible tho, we had just taken off and this woman started screaming...frightened the life out of me i thought she was having a baby but she wernt it was just a panic attack! silly woman i thought the plane was gunna crash or summink! dad got me a gorg gucci necklace, mum got me vouchers to have my hair dun in toni & guy! cant wait, nan & g dad gave me £ and jewlery. janet gave me £, and linda gave me perfume and trevor gave me £ aswell. oh greg also got me a voucher to have a back massage! cant wait 4 that! he he! and manda is taking me out 4 dina tomorra nite and goin out gettin lashed sat nite! (",)
i dont mined wot ya get me bruv, anyfing will be fine, summink cool u know wot i like dont ya. anyways glad 2 hear ur having a good time. miss ya xxx mwah xxx
Nigel & Rob
Hiya gang (did'nt know you had left untill tonight)
Your mum (Mandy) whom we know as Misty bless her, told us tonight.
I must say I'm really impressed with your website and your pictures look great.
I hope your having a really great time and not doing anything your mum wouldent like lol
Will keep in touch take care to you
Nigel & Rob (Peterborough Uk )
Steve Said Via Mumma
He tried to add piccs to the site but ran out of time, *computers always seem to be difficult when you want to add stuff grrrrrr* he will try again tomorrow night 07.03.06 and will finish off his post
he thanks everyone for the messages, he wants more e-mails so dont forget to send any old gossip heheheheh
Steve, i had the most amazing time chatting to you tonight, 6.03.06 sorry to take up all your time with all the questions, i know i held u up as u were trying to add stuff to the site, but i was so excited when you sent me a message, me and beka will send u an e-mail tomorrow 07.03.06 and tell u all the borring stuff weve been doing *well not beka coz she's been away to ireland* and of course any gossip we can fill u in with, hmmmmm ive only been to work so not so much gossip from me but i'm sure i can think of lots to say *you know me* ive tried keeping up with the footy but alas i dont understand it and will often fall asleep, plus i cant see the bloody score unless i have my nose pressed up against the tv, so i'll leave the footy to everyone else who understands it, but i will watch when ur team plays, just for u zzzzzzzzzzzz heheheheheh, The waterfal boat trip sounds great, cant wait to hear all about that, i remember the pictures u showed me and it looked so exciting, tell Rob he forgot to give me his mums mobile number, send it me in an e-mail so we can arrange a night out, we can talk about our perfect boys all night long *bliss* i'll update you with other stuff tomorrow, glad 2 know u r both safe and having a fantastic time, love you darling mumma xxxxxxx
Steve - Globetrotter
Ok here it goes...ive gotta try and remember it all now....actually im running outa time (were out on the beer again tonight) so i might have to do a half update. Well we started our tour a few days ago and its been none stop from the word go and im loving every minute. Everyone on our tour is kool (about 30 odd peeps) and were driving around in this massive yellow bus which isnt as bad as i thought it would be cos we can have the ipods on the radio and stuff so thats kool. Me and Robbie thought we would be Kool and be the only ones with pods but EVERYONE on the tour has one with them, hehehe. Ok the first day of the tour we had to be up at stupid o´clock (6am) to get all our stuff on the bus and drove for about 5 hours to our 1st stop "Paraty" which is a kool little village right on a bay and has gorgeous views all round. We pítched up our tents (Rob and I are now faster than lightning at setting ours up), had dinner and just chilled the first night. 2nd night we all went out on a boat cruise type thing around all the bays and mini islands in Paraty and went snorkeling with the fish, swimming and just larking about everywhere, it was probably my favourite day so far i think...just paradise, like nothing ive ever seen. Oh balls icve run out of time, this sucks...right ill be back here tomoz night tofinish this update so dont panic and i promise to reply to all you messages....keep them coming. All my love, Steve xx
Steve - Globetrotter (A Message For My Sis)
Hey everyone, ok before i go into my long message about what weve been up to (alot of kool stuff i might add) i would just like to say a very Happy Birthday to my little sis, Bekka for 5th March. It was her 21st. Hope you had a wicked time sis, sorry i couldnt call but we were on a bus travelling across Brazil all day (12 hours) and the phones here are a nightmare...you need phone cards because none and i mean none of them take coins and its nearly impossible to get a phone card. Madness. Im still looking for a prezzy for ya too sis, theres not much here that you would like (cos i know youre a material girl) but ill keep loking and when i find summin nice ill send it straight to you. Some ideas would be helpful though??? Hope you had a great time in Ireland with Greg, miss you loads xxx
Pezza And Jo
Hey fellas glad to hear its all going well, sounds very exciting and cant imagine all the goings on, well i can but trying not to you lucky b*****s, just the 19 lasses on your bus how will you cope with constant perving and fondling, but steve remember not to touch rob like that. Another victory for the mighty holtwood today 5-1 against wateringbury would have been 5-0 other than for a nasty bobble that took a poor shot over my hands, looking forward to the cup semi next sun against east malling including dean with dave and ben both on the bench. Keep safe and have fun in the south american bush.
Gemma Knight
Hi Boys, so sorry i missed your leaving do, would have loved to see you as has been ages, but unfortunately my duty as a mother prevented me from coming..... Leah had chicken pox!! Glad to hear you are off travelling the world again and can't wait til you post some piccys on your site! Had a good laugh at the pics already on here, so glad to see you two haven't changed! Have missed not seeing you over the last few years! How long are you both planning to be gone for? Well short but sweet this time, but am planning to read up on your adventures quite regularly, so keep us all updated! Look after yourselves and take care, love gem x