COME ON THE HOLTWOOD, 10HRS TO KICK OFF, yes I am night duty at work and want the night to go fast so every opportunity I am going to come on here and count down. Yeh staj, we have gone to 3 5 2 formation, were banging in the goals now so hopefully be the same tomorrow, dont worry will definitely let you know the score, lets hope its the right one though.
Steve (Aka Stuart) - Globetrotter Message For Grandad
Just another quick one to wish my Grandad well. Hes not been too good of late and i just wanna say i hope you start feeling a bit better soon. I love you mate. Keep well and well done on working out msn messesnger.
Steve (Aka Stuart) - Globetrotter Football Message
I hate Benfica!! West ham suck!! Were still gonna win the FA Cup anyway. Good luck to the Mighty Holtwood tomorrow in the big cup semi.......remember no drinking tonight boys!!!
Rob Globe Trotter - Msg For Lil Sis
Can I intressed you in a bag too from Buenos aires for your Birthday. Its surpose to be one of the top shopping places in world to get one? I Know I am origernal! As you may be aware it was Steve lil sister bday the other day two, so weve formulated a plan. Some of the girls on our tour have been briefed to buy a couple of extra bags whilst they go on there mamouth shopping trip! Yawn! ; ) They have seen pictures of Both you and Becca, and weve given them some Idea of your style. Meanwhile me and Steve will be in a pub or watching an argentinian football game! hehehe! REEESULLLT! ; ) its the though that counts! ; ) Our plan is to send a parcell home when we arrive in santiago you get it by mid April! Tut tar for now!
Steve - Globetrotter (Now Also Known As Stuart)
Hey people, not much to update this time im affraid. Been driving loads and loads trying to get to Assuncion, the capital of Paraguay. Was a nightmare trying go get over the border but we are there now. Its 36 degrees and me and Robbie are billionaires here!!!!! The exchange rate is 10,000 Paraguayan Guarani to the pound...its just silly!! For a 750ml bottle of ice cold (and there is actually ice in there) bottle of lager it costs 30p. They wont serve you the beer if its anywhere near warm....i love south america!!! We went out with both tour groups last nite (about 60 of us) and no exaduration...i had a huge meal of steak, lasagne, sausage, salad etc etc and got absolutely wrecked off my face in a club for a little under 9 quid!!! Bargainous maximous!!!! Not sure if the lads got my e-mail but you may know ive been having a bit of a mare when it comes to the women over here. Been getting some severe stick from the lads for the "rotter pulling" incident. i wont go into detail ln here but robbie wrote and amusing e-mail and i forwarded to a few of the lads (one just for the boys). The other night me and Robbie had a late one with a few of the group just drinking in a field (oh yeah bought a litre bottle of vodka for good can you get??) and at about 2am or summin we both got up to go to the toilet before crashing. He was in one cubicle and i was in another next to it. We have been getting on really well with 2 chicks in particular from our group and started talking about them through the partition wall. Rob said stuff like "yeah i fancy louise shes got amazing eyes but think i might be punching above my weight and shes got a boyfriend anyway" and i said pretty much the same thing about Francesca, her mate and said i was aiming for her and will see how things go". Unbeknownst to us they had run behind the toilets about 5 mins prior and had heard every single word we had said!!! MARE!!!! They took the piss quite alot but were kool.....ballsed that one right up.....hehehe. Oh well. Yeah so anyway. Were in a hotel in Paraguay at the mo but have to be up at 5am to leave for Buenos Aires, Argentina 2moz. Weve got 2x12 hour drives down there with a bush camp inbetween. Bush camp meaning no facilities like toilets or showers.....yuk!! Oh yeah also ive been renamed Stuart by Lu (aka dave) on our tour. Apparently i look like one........everyone knew my name was Steve but she spread it about pretty quick and now people keep coming up to me and calling me stuart thinking its my real name.....everyone is confused! We owe her BIG TIME!! Okey spokey people thats about it for the update....think theres loads ive missed out oh well. Peace
Rob - Globe Trotter
NOTE TO SELF! - Dont disscuss girls on your tour with steve whislt half cut in your tent or in the campsite toilets, everybody can hear you!! Doh!!!!!!!! ; ) See above! PS Lu aka (Dave) and franny! we will get you back! dont you worry!; )
Liverpool OUT now they can join Chelsea mind u we can sit back and hold the league cup :-) poor Steve liverpool will have nothing maybe not even second place :-( maybe next year steve thats if your manager stays Hehehheheheheheh hope your having fun out there we all miss you, Look after your wallet steve and dont let anyone in your pockets *wink*
hi steve
after taking your advice i took a pregnancy test, and you were right, men can get pregnant!
i've also realised that the baby is yours, and you've dealt with it by travelling for a year.
i thought what we had was special? you sleeping with a rotter within your first week shows me what i mean to you!
how do you think our child will feel when he finds out about this?
obviously he'll have the good looks with my ginger hair, height, eyes and amazing personality and from you he'll know how to pull a pig!
anyway, i hope this does'nt ruin your holiday! koeman are going well, first gig in april, new song on myspace by next week.
have a good one mate! i found your wallet on the sea shore the other day and after emptying the moths out found a quid so will be putting that into amu jr's savings account!
'got me boning!'
love u man
amu (pc)
Staj, still awaiting that e-mail about your conquest hehehehehe, sounds like a good story! At least Liverpool can concentrate on the league now they have been embarassed in Europe by strikers that know how to score! Speak soon!
Up The Hammers !!!
Hi Steve, sounds like you are doing your part for english-ness and dispelling the myth of riotous binge drinkers. Just remember in some countries you can be locked up for asking girlies if they would like to see how well you can play your organ, and please promise me that if you have a ' Brazilian ' you wont post any photos on here, its not BIG and its not clever.
Have fun geezer
Mick Bevan
PS Roll on Sat 22nd Apri @ Upton Parkl........Come on you Irons!!!