just read robs email regarding tracy! so all i can say steve is atleast things can only get better! You sound like your having a wicked time. Iam suprised nobody has mentioned the "mighty" chelsea getting knocked out of the champions league last night!!!! shame!!!!! Its going to be odd watching liverpool tonight without you two here! you best not jinx it! will leave you a match report tomorrow. Ither of you two need to drop me an email regarding what you want me to book up for us in fiji, i can remember it was the ultimate lei, but how many days for? think it was 7? and did we have a few days to ourselvs before going on the tour. let me no and i will get it sorted! anyway will check back tommorow and try to keep steve away from the wildlife!!!
Pezza And Jo
hello son, sounds like nothing has changed your still getting beer goggles fair play back of the net. you being eaten by mozzies does not suprise me your like me that way like in ibiza eat marmite or drink tonic water they dont like someting thats in it. Enjoy argentina jo says to go to bocas stadium its mad.
Rob- Message From Everyone!
Read steves email, I canT be asked to write mine out all again!! POXY COMPUTER! HAHAHA! PS - not dead yet!, pps - steve........DAME SHE UGLY! ; )
Steve - Message For Sis
Hey sis, just to let you know i think ive sorted your bday prez. Was talking to a few of the girls on our tour and they said the shopping in Buenes Aires is wicked and theyve bought loadsa stuff there and sent it home (bags, shoes, clothes, jewelery etc) so theyre gonna take me shopping when we get there in about a week and help me choose summin for ya. Love you loads xxx
Steve - Message For Mumma
Hey mumma, im talking to you on msn at the mo so this is a little bit silly but didnt wanna leave you out, hehe. Just to let you know im missing you and love you loads. MWAH!!!! XXX
Steve - Message For The Old Man
Eh up old man! Yeah was ace chatting to ya on msn the other day, im sure we´ll get to loadsa times while im away. Yeah its true im a mozzy public house at the mo, its horrendoues....especially with my sun burn, ehehe. Its me getting all the bad luck now unlike in india.....although not had Robbie ¨girl belly¨Banks syndrome yet, hehe. Yeah that would be kool if you could come out and meet up with us at some point along the trip mate, would love to do diving although not sure how good i would be cos i drank quite a bit of sea water just snorkeling the other day, hehehe. Ok Dad, keep safe mate, hope work isnt too s*** for ya. Love ya mate, Steve
Steve - A Message For Gray.
Not long now little fella and youll be with us, cant wait. Its gonna be even more mental. Cant believe youre without a car at mo tho dude, that must be well weird for you. Youve had more cars than ive had hot dinners. Yeah the carnival was special and yeah we said BOTTOM and BOOOOBIES ALOT!! hehehe. Think Robs got the torrets worse than me now, hehe. I was gonna tell you about my ¨conquest¨ on here but to be fair its a bit of a wrong story so think ill just e-mail it to you and Face etc.......oh robs just told me hes already done it (said with a giggle)....great. Keep safe matey, cant wait to meet up with ya. Oh and keep me update with the mighty reds news. Steve
Steve - Message For Face
Face mate, thanks loads for the updates on the mighty holtwood and england. You boys seem to be doing even better since i left....bit of a worry!! Love reading about the games, keep it up matey. Say good luck to the boys for the big semi final on sunday but you know theyll get beered up sat night....good lads hehehe. GET IN THERE CROUCHEY!!! I never doubted him...i told ya hes gonna win us the world cup. It will be 1-1 with 10 mins to go against Brazil in the final, sven will stick him on and he´ll pop up with a bullet header....you watch. Mate keep up with messages, missing you boys so its great to hear what youve been up to. Litle upset that i aint heard from jimmy yet tho, get him to leave a message or 12 will ya. Speak soon sunshine
Steve - Message For Mick Bevan
Mick, i do not look like Jamie Oliver!!! Hope you are well matey.
Steve - Message For Donna
Heya Donna, great to hear from you again chuck, its been ages. I did text you and aimee before we left aswell but not sure if i had the right numbers. Youll have to e-mail me your new ones luv. Hope you are all kool and you should definately get cracking on plans for a trip round the world....its amazing. Speak soon and keep the messages coming. xx
Steve - Globetrotter
Hey again everyone!! Right, well i was gonna continue on from what i had written the other day but i would just be repeating what Robbie has said to be fair (ok now ive just noticed that he has deleted his big mesg for some reason) so ill just try and reply to all your lovely messages as best i can. Basically we are having the absolute time of our lives, its been none stop fun every single day, alot of travelling and the camping can get a little tiresome but the people on our tour are ace and theyre a great laugh. I think my favourite day so far is definately the boat trip around Paraty, swimming in the turquoise waters and snorkeling with the fish was ace, man. The yank fella (annoying as he is and yes i totally agree with everything Robbie wrote about him and his bearded mrs) did manage to dive to the sea bed and grab a dirty great star fish which was pretty kool, i touched it...it was odd! The helicopter ride was superb, never done anything like that before, the views were incredible. To be fair it could have been even better though ´cos i was HUNGOVER BIG STYLEE and had got to bed at about 5am that morning....we were up and at ém at 7....ooooh it was painful but i will go into why in a minute (thats a story for face and gray). What else have we done...erm oh yeah check this out i was part of a legendary cooking team from our tour and we cooked lasagne for 30 odd people (yes dad i actually cooked, check me out!!) it went down a stormer even though it took 4 HOURS!!! When it was Robbies turn to cook....he delagated....BLAGGER!! After Paraty we had a couple of big driving days and stopped off at a pretty kool litle beach, the name of which deserts me but the water was sooo warm. Weve been on both sides of the iguacu falls which is a beautiful site. It forms the border between brazil and argentina and theres different things to see and do on both sides so weve now been to Argentina too but will go there properly in the next week or so. On the Argie side we did a tour of the national park and they took us on a boat and drove us into the waterfall which was well good and refreshing, especially as it was about 40 degrees that day. Yes i am a little sun burnt and i have some funny patches in places. Today we are supposed to be going to Paraguay (to stay in a hotel....YAY!!!!) but for some reason they have closed the border so were stuck in Brazil for another day maybe, not really sure whats happening yet. Hence about 40 of us all clambering into this internet place. Like Robbie said we are at the moment just on the edge or Brazil near the border of paraguay at a place called Foz do Iguacu. Dad, that massive damn we watched a prog on at home is here, we went to see it and yeah its huuuuuge....biggest one in the world. Anyway that about sums it up so far, im now gonna do some short individual messages for you lovely people. Peace, steve xxx
Hello, hope all is well, still sounds like a blast mate. I know Pezza mentioned the Holtwood game but here comes your official match report. We went 1-0 up after a lovely passing move, Webby got the ball in the centre circle, he played a lovely ball down the right flank to Sean who crossed it for Ash to make it 1-0. This time and not being big headed but Dazza scores a wonder volley in the top corner from 20yrds, what a goal, 2-0 at half time. Early on, Dazza has a penalty saved and we soaked up a lot of pressure, Sean took two defenders on to make it 3-0. A brilliant run down the right wing by Jimmy and a pin point cross saw Ash make it 4-0. Wateringbury scored a bobbly goal that was more funny than anything as it just bobbled over Perry, nothing he could, 4-1. Sean then made it 5-1, we dominated sunshine.
Sunday, its the big cup semi final, alocohol ban has been placed on all players Saturday night, yeh can see that working. I will let you know all the details mate. I am night duty this week, people dont seem to sleep in Hackney and like shooting and stabbing people, oh well it keeps me busy.