zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz WAKE UP STEVE!
Rob Globe Trotter
23 and a half hour a day sleep is more like it! ; ) Plus ive also been called Robson, out of Robson and Jerome (Unchained melody fame) Ill take that nick name thanks, I think its more of a completement than the other one! ; ) so there Dave!! aka Louise, you just wait for your first dodgy picture, spread accross the world wide web! hehehe! ; )
Steve (Aka Stuart/stuey/koala/snoopy) - Globetrotter
Hey everyone!!! Soz its been a while since my last update but weve had a good 3 or 4 days heavy driving and "bush camping" in, quite literally the middle of nowhere!! Were now at the most southerly town in the world called Ushuaia on the island of Tierra Del Fuego which is part of Argentina. Its also known as the end of the world. You may notice i have a few more nicknames.....Stuart/Stuey you know about but now im being called koala and snoopy.....apparently i sleep 23 hours a day or summin......AS IF!!! All this staying out late and getting up at stupid o`clock in the morning is doing me in!! Everyone reckons Rob looks like Graham Norton.....gaaaaay....hehehe!! So anyway what have we been doing......erm......in Buenos Aires we mostly just shopped and ate dirty great steak (they were immense by the way and cost about a fiver, i dont think ill be able to eat a steak at home again). We went to a copa libertadores footy game (thats the south american version of the champions league) and saw River Plate vs Paulista....it was a top game and ended up 4-1 to River. The second goal from Montenegro was absoltutely incredible. He had a freekick laid off to him from 40 yards and just hit it....BOSH!!!...the keeper was at full stretch but it just shot like a bullet in the top corner. Andy, another guy from our tour group caught it on video!!! Quality!! I bought a shirt with Gallardo number 10 on the back.....which was nice!! Oooooh yeah i kinda dropped myself in it AGAIN!! If you look a bit further down the message board at one of my last big updates you`ll see ive written a little bit about Francesca and Louise (dave) from when they eves-dropped on mine and Robs convo. Not realising they hadnt heard every single thing we had said i proceeded to tell you lot on the message board. In the mean time someone gave them the website address and they read that message so now they know everything and alot more than i intended....Steve`s had another mare!!!! The only way we found out that they knew was because Rob and I hid round the back of their shower rooms and had a good listen ourselves...hehehe.....they didnt say that much but was still funny.....and yes they caught us.....we are ruuuubbish!!! Anyway where was i......erm...oh yeah so the last few days have been mammoth drives (about 10 hours a day) which have mainly consisted of me sleeping or reading harry potter and shed load of a cards.....we all like this game called Scala or summin like that!!!! Half way down here we went to the Valdes Peninsula and took a boat trip around the little islands and saw loads of sea lions up close...they make this weird noise like theyre being sick!! Oh yeah and ARMADILOS!!!!! Its getting bloody cold down south now and ive bought a massive blanket and jumper but it doesnt do much at night when were camping....rob, me, cesca and louise (dave) have tented up by a stream and its colder than the moon in the mornings....poor old rob needs the toilet every 5 mins `cos of the flowing water sound.....WALNUT BLADDER!!! Anyway thats about it so far. Grandad thanks loads for sorting out my tyre, i really appreciate it....i bet it was a nightmare. Hope you and nan are well, love you loads and loads. Dazza thanks for the updates sunshine, unlucky about the semi final, thertes always next year when im back ;-) and thanks for keeping hold of me trophy, bet the end of season party will be ace!!! Say happy bday to G funk for me...cant believe he only stayed for an hour and half at his on bash!!!....oh actually, maybe i can, hehehe. Still no word from Jim, quite upset now...get him to say hello or summin will ya son!!! Gray dont really know what to say about the fiji site matey....may have to give you a ring soon and try and sort something out...probably easier....cant wait to see ya mate, iits gonna be ace. Be careful of the fellas in san fran...youre a bit of a pretty boy so theyll like you....hehehe!!!! Oh s*** gotta go, its Robbies turn to do the dinner....spag bol i think....peace out everyone and keep the messages coming, love hearing from ya all. xxx
Hey Gray, I DO remember you from Ibiza, silly!! You say you was the shy quiet one, hmmmmm...! So it seems your meeting Steve and Rob soon then, you lucky thing, make sure you do a better job than Steve at giving us eager viewers from afar regular updates, he he! So once you've met them are you staying with them for the rest of the year? Anyway just thought Id say a little HELLO and I hope your doing well, it seems so! Oh and whats happened to Jim and Big G, there doesnt seem to be any messages from them on here?? Anyway you take care and I'll look forward to hearing all of your juicy stories... Donna x
if you have thought of anything you want taken out to rob or steve then let me no, just leave a message on here and i will get in contact, i wlii have to draw the line though at any priceless family heirlooms or steves collection of random large bulky objects, my backpack is allready bursting with replacement wallets and a collection of books titled how to get along with americans.
Hey mateys! Only 16 days to go!!!!!!!!!! its getting close now! Steve i think you should stay out of the country for a bit longer! liverpool have scored 15 in the last 3 matches something must be wrong, even morientes has scored!!! Can one of you to drop me an email bout fiji iam having lots of probs booking it not sure what to do, where are steves emence organisational skills when you need them! You will be glad to no iam having another leaving doo next friday so if you fancy popping back for an evening of sophisticated drinking and party boy dancing you are more than welcome!! My magnum p.i moustache is nearly there for when i get to san francisco just got to go by some silk shirts to complete the look!oh and a 1980s ferrari! now theres a thought!! . I notice reading through the message board that donna dosnt seem to remember me from ibifa hmmm probably cos i was the shy quiet one!! Have ither of you thought of anything you need bringing out yet other than spare glasses/wallets/beer goggles/ginger contact lenses for rob ? any way next time you get on tinternet drop me an email bout fiji and we can sort out what to do! take care avoid any club tropicana partys with ladys with strangely large hands
Hiya Steeeeeve! How you doing, good I hope, I hope your having a wicked time, no doubt that you are, anyways I just wanted to say PLEASE keep the messages/stories/updates coming, Im loving reading them, it pleases me no end to hear about all of the fun your having in the big wide world whilst Im sat in the office working, NOT!! No really I love reading your updates, its brill to hear what your getting upto so get typing, I noticed that someone mentioned you writing a book when you get back, I think thats a great idea, Id read it - easy!! and get them pics on too, I lurve this website and keep a check on it at least every other day so hope to hear from you travellers soon... lotsa love (Ibiza Donna) xx
hello again steve lets hear from you soon Liverpool had a rout last night beat Birmingham 7-0 I am collecting your wheel& tyre today at last so thats ok, keep in touch, enjoy & take care of each other love you much byeee.
hi steve, where are you now in the more civilised part or still traveling? Liverpool had another good game beat Newcastle 3-1, lets hear something from you, I have now located your wheel but they are still looking for the tyre blooming idiots took the tyre off to repair it then lost it. take care of each other love you very much byeee
Hello boys, hope you are well and that you aren't too bored travelling the world.
Unfortunately Holtwood lost again this week 2-1 away to Henrys Knights Reserves, it was three points thrown away again. They had three chances all game and put two of them away, we had at least 10 and put one away, I hit the post again, two weeks in a row, might hit the target next week.
I blame Mote Park myself; we've played there 3 times this season and lost on every occasion!
We have got Fishermans Arms next week, they are bottom of the league and haven't won a game all season so hopefully we wont be their first victims.
Friday night was good, me, Jim and matt got blitzed, even had jimmy on shooters in old Orleans. Gareth turned up for his own birthday near midnight and went again at 1-30 along with Gor who was well boring but hey, we had a good time.
Arranging the end of season do at the moment, I shall look after you trophy mate dont you worry and im sure we'll get loads of pics when it does happen.
Laters for now!
Colin Woolven
Hi Rob, your mum has just shown me your website. (mum & dad are round our house for a nosh tonight)
I shall look in from time to time to check on your progress, as we are now kindred spirits having both had a Bo****king for chucking cake around at your leaving do.
Have fun...... & you can always reciprocate by checking into my website http://www.colinwoolven.co.uk ..... but only if you are really bored one night!
See you in a year or so
Robs Dad
Rob I did have to snigger at your discription of Diego Maradonna and am not disppointed that you did not buy me one of his shirts. I have put on a few pounds of late but if it was one of his more recent shirts it would be like wearing a tent.
I been looking at the weather in Punta Arenus to today and it's max 4C, min 2C with heavy snow. Ushuaia is another 100 miles further south so I doubt it will be warmer. Did you pack you long johns? Look on the bright side, our recent weather has been bit like Punta Arenus (without the snow) but by the time you get there hopfully our weather will be getting warmer.