so then, another country done, number 7 to be precise. next stop Peru. La Paz was interesting to say the least. Glad first impressions aren´t everything as otherwise we´d have boarded the next bus out. The city simply sprawls through a deep valley, and you learnt to enjoy the view as it sits against a mountain backdrop. The city though is organised chaos!!! there are police men directing traffic, one way systems, and still drivers fight for every space, inching forwards into any gap, then pounding their horns as everything is in gridlock. The fumes are the major issue here. forget the poverty, forget that your taking in less oxygen due to the altitude, and simply try and breathe after another bus comes past spluttering its fumes and making you feel a little ill. After a couple of days we understood the city though and it began to make sense. While we were there we went to the witches market (which has hanging llama feotuses above the entrances), did some sightseeing, and also did a couple of tours. The first of which took us the Chacaltaya (a mountain at 5395m above sea level). We drove almost to the top, and then walked the rest if you were able. Just walking to the top was hard, as you´re simply walking, yet you feel like your running a marathon. Next we went to the moon valley which was a wave of really weird formations of stone and rock (pictures needed to explain), and finally the day after, we went to Tiwanaku to see an archaelogical site and learn about the history. This was very cool, especially learning about how they used the sun and stars as their calendar for agriculture. Next stop Puno, Peru
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