What a place! As they would say in South Australia… its heaps good!
The flight here from Darwin was, erm, interesting! Its only a 2 and a half hour flight yet for some reason Qantas felt it necessary for us to stop off at Gove airport which is in Arnhem Land (an area owned by the indigenous). Normally your only allowed in with a permit, although we didn't need one and we was free to spend half hour at the airport. Which was 25 mins too long as a trip past the overpriced coffee shop to the toilets completed the tour! Also as it was 2 flights we got 2 breakfasts. Which for a 2 and half hour flight seemed generous!
Anyway after that we arrived in Cairns. Tropical Cairns. To set the scene, its also wet season here, and surprise surprise the weathers been rubbish. Hasn't rained too much but its been cloudy and grey. There was a cyclone brewing on the coast although luckily it didn't materialise. Still enough to put me off my trip to cape tribulation - easy to get stuck there apparently, plus there was loads of other stuff I wanted to fit in anyway. So I had a look around, familiarised myself with the supermarket, china town and the sports bar and I was ready!
Went to the beach as well (which is shut this time of year because of the deadly jellyfish) so sat at the man made lagoon with a cold one.
So my first day involved getting on a plane again. Although this flight was different to the others. No boarding pass needed, no searches, no baggage to check in and no meals served by mutton dressed as lamb. Instead id have a bloke (Ben) on my back. A pair of goggles on and sat next to an open door. Yep it was skydive time!!
I booked it early incase the weather turnt really bad and it was cancelled for another day. Luckily it all went ahead. We were taken to the landing site at Mission Beach, briefed and told to wait our turn to be taken to the airfield. I was put in with team Japan in the middle group but that was fine.
So we watched the morning group land before it was our go. I was given the disclaimer to sign which pretty much said I was about to die, then introduced to Ben, harnessed up, had the safety chat and introduced to the plane that was going to take us up 14,000 feet. It looked like it wouldn't make 14 feet! Seriously ive seen steadier looking toy planes, let alone cramming 10 of us in.
Somehow it made it after what seemed like eternity! I was really excited at first but when the light went to orange, the door lifted. I don't care what anyone says, its not normal to sit next to an open door on a plane 14,000 feet up and there are nerves!
The green light flicked on, and it was showtime. I was first, we swung round and my feet were dangling out the plane. Ben tapped me and I had to get in the banana position (arch your back, tuck your legs in and put your head back on the instructors shoulder so you don't smack heads!). We leant forward and then gravity took over! 1 minute freefall. The feeling was incredible and cant really be described! Those that have done it know. Difficult to see anything at first because of the force on your face, but after the minute and the shute is pulled you then get the opportunity to have a proper look around and enjoy the the reef and the amazing coast of north Queensland. We glided down and landed on the beach, where 3 hours later I was still buzzing! Absolute ripper!
I got a DVD of it which is much better than the pics. Apart from the interview at the start. Didn't enjoy.
Day 2 was just as exciting but I stayed much closer to the earth - white water rafting. Got picked up at the hostel and taken to the top of the Tully River for some rapids action. (I know from the pics it looks like im with team Japan again but they were all from Sydney!).
It took up most of the day and included a bbq lunch (well a cheeseburger and orange squash) but it wasn't just rafting, we were made to get out and swim at times, also went down a small waterfall backwards which capsized the boat. Hardcore. Got a few quality bruises too that I was well happy with!
Finished the day by being made to climb this pretty big rock and jump from the top. Seemed to be a theme for the trip - I had to go first! Our boat arrived first out of the 6, and being the Pom of the boat (haven't found an advantage to being English yet) was told to get up there and be guinea pig. Nailed it.
Day 3 was quite a quiet one. Caught up on some sleep and chilled out. Had a look around the mariner and bumped into a couple of northern birds, Vanessa and Lyndsey from the outback trip and we decided to sample the nightlife in the evening. Was meant to be a fairly quiet one until we discovered the (legendary) woolshed was tropical tuesday. Which of course means 10 for 5 (10 dollars for 5 drinks) and world cup gold fish racing. Superb. (Canada won.)
Day 4 resulted in me waking up with a shocking hangover. Completely forgot id be on a boat for 2 hours heading out to the great barrier reef. What a melon. So I was well glad to hear the bloke tell me on arrival that the weather is atrocious, its gonna be well rough and prob best to cancel for another day. Lovely lovely.
Anyway I soldiered on and after (once again) what seemed like forever I was at the reef. (By the way massive shoutout to Mr Matt Gurney who bought me this trip! You're a legend mate, absolutely loved it. Man love x)
The weather was quite rough in the morning and the rain absolutely hammered it down but none the less, looking at the reef and all the marine life was absolutely amazing. I need to add at this point (along with everyone else of course) I was wearing a full blue sting suit complete with hood. Adding to this my flippers, snorkel and goggles, I looked the absolute dogs nuts.
Lunch was then served (cracking spread this time!) before heading to another part of the reef to snorkel for another 2 hours. It was much calmer here and the reef was so much closer so the snorkel experience was even better than before. Like a pig in poo poo I was, I didn't want to get out.
Took some pics on a waterproof camera but I know they'll be rubbish! Saw big fish, little fish, yellow fish, green fish, blue fish, blue and yellow fish and even a turtle! But seriously thr colours of the reef was amazing. The experience was breathtaking an something ill never forget. I recommend everyone to do it if they can.
My final full day in Cairns and I couldn't leave without doing one more thing - quad biking in the forest. A morning session of 2 hours quad biking seemed like the perfect finish. We got taken around a few little courses before we were unleashed around the muddy forest! Some nice big open straights meant we could open the beasts up and also had to slowly navigate our way around some tricky forest areas.
Had an absolutely great time, the smell of petrol and the taste of the mud was cracking.
And that pretty much concludes Cairns. Wont forget these 5 days in a hurry. Making my way down south now in search of Robbie Fowler and the so far elusive Queensland Currant Bun!
Love to all x
(x x x)
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