(Ive been kind to you and split up the entries as im aware I prattle on and they are long. Change the date at the top of the blog posts tab under Darwin if you want the previous days!)
Onto the penultimate day and start of the final 'mini trip' - a 2day overnight stay in Kakadu National Park. Our guide Karl picked us up (absolutely mental he was. Definitely a crouton short of a caesar. Well alright though.) and took us to an Aboriginal community.
We pulled up and was met by an Aborigine who gathered us around for a chat. I could only pick out certain words as I cant understand them at the best of times, let alone with all his front teeth missing. Anyway I gathered that we all had to have some sort of baptising so we could be accepted onto their land and so we can leave without collecting any bad spirits. Awesome. With that he randomly pulled out a cut open giant coke bottle full of water and stepped forward towards this german girl. We were expecting a trickle on the forehead…. Oh no. He took a gulp, pulled her head forward, and spat it in her hair. And rubbed it in. Half the group (including myself) burst out laughing and others stood silent in shock. I must add the Aborigine was an absolute pro, carrying on with it until we all got a go.
So after we'd all been spat on we couldn't help but wonder what else was around the corner. Thankfully it was fairly interesting chats about how they make and play didgeridoos, how the ladies make dilly bags and other stuff, and for the males it was all about the spear making. Even got a go at throwing a few at a makeshift pig (not the daddy ones though).
Next stop off was at the Adelaide River for a boat trip to feed some saltwater crocs. Unbelievable Jeff! Had the safety talk at the start, keep hands and head in the boat or lose them, life jackets are at the front if needed, don't put them on though as they like bright colours and you'll be first to go, etc etc.
And we were away. Found 3 salties (apparently a good turn out due to all the rain) and fed them buffalo steaks. Watching them jump up and grab the grub from only around 3 feet away was pretty special. Absolute monsters. Unfortunately that hour trip was over in a flash and a 3 hour drive into Kakadu was needed.
The rest of the day consisted of us looking at rock art dating back 50,000 years ago followed by a climb to a really high point for a spectacular look across the National Park. It was raining and some decided not to do the hike. They definitely missed out.
We had a fair old drive back to Darwin after lunch so we had to cram in as much as we could in the morning. We started off with a bit of a hike which got us up fairly high. Karl then said theres an extreme walk to the very top of the peak if we wanted to do it. But it was hardcore. Most of the girls declined but us lads ray Mears'd it. He wasn't joking! Well steep in places having to squeeze in through massive boulders and pull ourselves up over rocks. Absolutely sweated it up again but it was so worth it! Prob the best view of the week infact.
We then met the others and headed to an area where we could swim. The area had a river with a strong current and after getting through it we got to a secluded waterfall that was unreal! Didn't get any pictures of it but swimming in it was amazing, prob my highlight of the week infact. Shame I cant share it with you but ill never forget swimming in a hidden, picturesque area in the bush with an amazing waterfall. Unfortunately it was lunchtime and we had to head back to Darwin, but a good finish to the trip none the less.
Overall had a fantastic time in the outback, wasn't quite what I expected all the time, and couldn't quite do everything, but you cant argue with mother nature! Had some problems but it was worth it.
Spent all of today in Darwin where ive chilled out by the pool, done all my washing (yeah you read that right mum!), booked up loads of stuff for the east coast and bought myself a new camera. Bargain too! Gonna sort some dinner and have a few final beers with Damian before we go our separate ways which is pants but gotta be done. Heading to the airport at 1am in the morning, few hours kip there before my flight at 6am. East Coast here I come!
Love to all x (x x x x x)
P.S Still wondering what the surprise sausages were on day 1? Camel. Lovely they were too!
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