Everyone else’s pictures that id seen of Fraser Island have been in glorious sunshine – oh how different my pictures are!
I’ve timed my trip to Queensland perfectly with this ‘cyclone’ that’s apparently out there somewhere which wont go away! So it was a case of getting very wet but getting on with it!
I did a 2 day/1 night guided trip and got picked up early again to fit as much into Day 1 as possible. On the way were told all about Fraser island, how it was formed, all about its wildlife, and interestingly how on average it gets 200 days of rain per year!! We checked in at our overnight stop at Eurong and went onto or first major place – Lake McKenzie.
I was dozing off when the guide was telling us all about it, but he said it was the 5th largest something or other in the world. Probably 5th largest fresh water lake in the world?! Whatever anyway. Its well impressive though as obviously its on Fraser Island and therefore its sat on sand. Its basically one massive puddle that wont go away and we got to enjoy a long swim.
Next stop was a walk through Eli Creek. We did the board walk to the end of the creek and then had the option of walking back, or walking back in the creek. Chose the later, flaming freezing it was!
The rain started to appear then but we still had 3 more stop offs to do. First one was some coloured sand cliffs (pretty uninteresting and boring to be honest!) thankfully we didn’t stay there long. Next stop off was at the Maheno shipwreck.
Quick history lesson: The Mahino was built in 1905 in Scotland and used as a nice cruise ship, until it doubled as a medical/hospital ship during the first world war. She got old, was sold to a Japanese firm for her metal and they sold off her best bits to offset the costs (like its propeller!) They tried towing it to Japan, failed miserable after the tow rope snapped and with no propeller and the anchors not working, she ended up on Fraser Island. History lesson over.
The final stop off was at Indian Head in the north of the island. The rain eased off here making the walk to the top that bit easier. The views from the top across Fraser Island were cracking.
That’s it for day 1, although some of the group checked out the bar where we were staying. Absolute dive. No one there except for about 7 of us from the trip, the beer was well expensive too although they did have the tennis on. Where I rather enjoyed watching Murray lose to Federer.
We had absolutely shocking weather for day 2! It absolutely hammered it down all day. So much so I rarely took my camera out didn’t get many pics (after ive already lost one camera to the elements!). We had to be back on the boat and back to Rainbow Beach on the mainland by 4pm so not a great deal on the itinerary. The guide drove us to Central Station(!) where we were taken around for a walk in the rainforest. After a bit of a drive and lunch we were at our final stop – Lake Wabby.
It was a 2.6km walk there (and obviously the same back!) and therefore not much fun in the rain. We weren’t really feeling it and had the hump because we were cold and wet. Typically though we got there and it was absolutely amazing!
A massive sandbank on one side, towering trees on the other and the lake in the middle. Because of the weather conditions no one else was there so we had the place to ourselves! We were all drenched anyway so we all got in and had a swim about in this picturesque lake in the lashing rain. Was really enjoyable and we were all glad we went in the end!
So yeah I haven’t quite got the beautiful ‘postcard type’ pictures everyone else has of blues skies and sun, but I still got to see everything and had my own experiences which I really enjoyed.
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