Just writing to say we are going to Kaye & Dougs this friday, coz we are not even breaking even with the work here..shes Rusty's (brill speedway rider) mam and shes been kind enough to put me and Ross up and help us find work in Adelaide and offered to show us a proper aussie xmas..which should be good..helping us out till we are back on our feet properly..we would of went after the apricots but they keep pushing it back, now its not till November, and no doubt if we scrape through till then something will happen..
We have been orange picking the past 2 good fun, i can chat Ross' head off all day and theres nothing he can do about it :P although bless him his hayfever goes mental at times..we have devised a routine to make us pick and fill the crates faster and we are getting faster..hopefully fill one in 1hour by the end of the week :) ... Il try and get more pics up ifnot il do it at Kayes... :)
Chow for now ..going to sort out how to get there..cheaply..xx
Love you all..xxxx
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