Just updating to say we have been moved jobs..but apparntly we cant start til prob Wednesday because of the weather, we cant work on the farm unless its sunny because the spiders come out in the shade, so no fruit picking in this weather. Supposedly the weather is changing from tommorow so the weatherman says! I dont think Australia can acutally function in one sense with freak rain and storms, but on the other hand Victoria is meant to be only have 20% left of their water reserves, up until this weather. Theres a river which hasnt ran for half a century which is bursting its it says on the news, which is all i can do when im bored to death! Also i went to see a man today with Vince and a couple of others girls about a waitress/bar job,and Vince said dont worry id of got it, because he has abit of a hold on some of the businesses here, the waitress/bar job is in a hotel/ pub/ nightclub/restaurant..the man owns them all, and seeing as i can turn my hand to everything, and he is meant to be needing a kitchen hand which i dropped hints of ross in there, but i am pretty much dispensable evrywhere in them type of places sop will hopefully try and get lots of hours in! He is going to get in touch because hes done this weeks rotas but he needs help on saturday at a wedding, which ive got quite abit of experince in!So fingers crossed this doesnt fall through, im quite hopeful and we have to be because we have got $280 for our rent this Thursday to do until next Friday, and now INSUFFICIENT FUNDS! money seems to have gone missing from our account, only $39 but its bugging us coz we needed it, and theres no way of finding out where its gone!..we are both expecting $40/$45 dollars each on Friday from last Thurs with Peter Norris, and unless we get some more work thats it..please start making donations to the Ross & Kelly FUND! :) ..All will be fine, now Vince knows what experience i have because he has seen my c,v hopefully we wil be fine. ANd apricots are needing picked in about 15 days and theres meant to be millions of work going, we just need to scrape through till then though!Even just to make rent, and if i get the job as waitress i wont need to pay the $6 per day coz its walking distance.
We are sick of eating the same thing again and again...Pasta/Noodles/Pasta...etcetc...i dont hate anyone but i am getting a hatred for those people who can afford things like peppers and mushrooms to at least spice up their pasta and sauce sad...i am full of cold and now have a coldsore because im run down, no fruit and veg ..cant afford it, and i need vitamin c to get rid of this ugly thing!im craving frsh pineapple or oranges..watermelon..think i might live off fruit once we have money...everything is so expensive..your looking at leas $3 for a chocolate bar what you pay 50p for at home...i hate it lol!!
If you have a nice figure though you can do their equivilent of a stag night where you serve drinks to them at their home/venue of choice/farm stable...where there can be 100 waiting drinks in a little skirt and tight top for 5hours you get $150 not bad eh? topless all night then it goes up to $400...and go the whole way and wait in the BUFF you get $800 for 5hours work...such easy money..but where does that end a prostitution begin?? Il do it..just need to lose 5stone, my morals, dignity and every other fibre of self respect i was brought up thanks, id rather be chubby,skint and only subject Ross to the horrific sights of me naked...whats that $800 to put my clothes back on...Jackpot :)
Anyhow on that note...we have 0 things cant get worse than this i hope..but still having a whale of a always skint at home so what!!...lets hope things look up or we will be looking to the family banks for a loan till the apricots rear their ugly heads :)
chow for now !! xxx
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