Ignore the map location of Mildura because randomly its wrong...
So since we last wrote we havent had ANY work...we have decided that most (not all) (although yet to be shown) Australian employers are so unreliable, 3 of us girls were waiting to hear back from an employer about us all being waitress/bar girls..they had experience and jesus i could do it with my eyes closed, ive been doing that sort of stuff forever, but we havent heard from him..we were meant to be working saturday picking oranges, but after a lovely hot week it bloody rained on friday..meant to be going tommorow so hopefully it wont rain today and we can get a good week in...$25 per crate and apparantly it takes you half hour-45 mins to fill it between 2people so we have the opportunity to make a little bit..we could make enuogh for rent on a bloody good days work. we have moved into our own double room its great to not have to hide or go to the loo to get dressed..and to hold farts!we thought if we cant make rent in one room whats $10 dollars gona do in our own room, and if we stay for a while we want our own comfort, privacy and also no chance of losing or getting things stolen..well not as much!
Had no chance to put pix on coz this comp wont let us and the connection in town is so slow. but we had a good day yesterday and ive got pics il try and put on...
We organised a bbq between about 12 of us, we all put$5 and us girls went to get the stuff and prep it took ages for the lads to get the actual GAS bbq to work but eventually we had a feast of burgers, sausages, chicken skewers, some with veg some with houmous marinade,salad, doritos and dip, and homemade potato was a good feed! we used the exscuse of james' bday for it so we got him a cake..(one big enough to share)..they all went on to play 'Ring of Fire'.. deadly to people that know of it, ive played with many of my friends..a few of whom puked up!! :P so coz i wasnt drinkning i was the adjudicator :) one of the rules being no swearing and seeing as we had a few token scottish and irish they was alot of slipping up with the "french"..more shots for them..i had to help Ross on the sly coz if he tryed to keep up and if he had to down drinks and copiuos shots he would of threw up BIG TIME!! as my mam and that will know what he's like after a few..we all got dressed and went to DOMS in town, my shoes cut up my feet by time i got there..ROss always gives me his shoes when walking home so he give me them in the club but i didnt want to chance him standing on glass so we walked home..and watched a dvd (Ross fell asleep like a baby and snored in my ear while i was tring to watch the film on the laptop :p )
All in all it was a good day/night..will try and connect to wireless and update pics..maybe wander down today as ive been guessed it..Free pool day :)
Also we will prob go and visit Rusty's mam in Adelaide she has offered to put us up and feed us till we are sorted and she said she'l help us with jobs which will be better their this space.. :)
Love and miss you all xxxxx
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