We arrived in Byron bay in some ridiculous rain even Manchester would have been proud of, so we waited under the bus shelter until we plucked up enough courage to make a dash for our hostel 'nomads'! As the heavens had opened we spent the day wandering around all the local handicraft shops and mooching about the town- even in the horrendous rain it was obvious this place was sooo nice! That night we headed out with a group of guys we'd met further up the coast...we stared with far too much goon and a few games of 'deal or no deal' before we headed to a club called 'La La land'....and La La was exactly where Rich was as he sat grinning mesmerized by the DJ in his drunken slumber....not that Shell was in much a finer state, nor any of the others for that matter! So after a kebab to finish the night we headed back! The next day we were delighted to wake up to glorious sunshine! we walked up to the lighthouse along the coast and on our way saw dolphins in the wild...they were so amazing and there were loads of them all playing in the sea! As we reached the top we spotted another girl we'd met at Fraser island so it soon become clear another night out in Byron was needed....Cheeky Monkeys! Cheeky Monkeys is a bar where you dance on the tables and lose all dignity to win prizes....luckily Rich entered the first game which turned out to be modest and he was very good at involved throwing a ball through a small hole in the wall....Free surf lesson in the bag!! Woop Woop, and the croud went wild! We booked our surf lesson for the next day and were delighted when they pulled up to pick us up with a puppy that could surf in the back on the van! The surf lesson was awesome and we both made it to our feet to ride some waves into shore. We were gutted that our time in Byron bay was over as it was such a cool place but were very excited about christmas in Sydney and meeting up with Seano and Lou so off we headed to Sydney!
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