24/12/09 - day 15.
got up around half 8 after a very rare thing indeed - an iuninterrupted night's sleep! temperature seemed to dip a little at night which helped and the fan in the dorm actually did it's job!
the other people in the hostel were pretty cliquey though. and swedish. and they were all mates. this made it kinda hard to socialise as i dont speak swedish. and that was all they spoke.
had the free breakfast of toast and jam, exchanged a book, gave reception my laundry and hit the beach. twas a beautiful morning, hardly anyone on the beach, awesome waves and long stretches od white sand. not bad for xmas eve! stayed there more or less all day until about 4pm when i went back to the hostel.
i showered, then hammocked up with my book for a while. all the trees around the hostel were full of howler monkeys constantly swinging about and making the wierdest sounds. sounded well scary, but they were pretty entertaining!
went out for some dinner that evening, had 3 pieces on chicken, then passed out my bed, possibly due to a lil too much sun. woke up about 12, painfully aware my lenses were still in. 'sweden' came in shortly after rather drunk.
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