Yet another early morning for yet another long drive, but this was what we hired the car for...the Great Ocean Road. We were both dead excited about the drive ahead, the night before we had found a map with the top highlights on the great ocean road, we decided to do all of them! And any others that took our fancy or sounded cool along the way.
The first stop was pretty much the most famous on the Great Ocean Road...the 12 Apostles. Although the are called the '12' one collapsed in 2005 and you cant actually see all 12 at once. They were amazing and spent ages just taking pics and looking at them all. A old couple from Canterbury took our pic so Hannah had a 4hour converstaion about Whitstable with them.
After we headed off. The 1st part of the drive was through a national park and there wasnt too much costal driving at the start. Someone had reccommeded doing a tree-top walk so we headed for this. When we arrived the person forgot to mention that it was in the middle of nowhere and was $20 to get in! Its was OK but i think if it had been free we would have loved it!! The walk was good and we went up a looking tower and to a view point but the whole thing was rocking up and down and swaying side to side (another thing that wasnt mentioned to us!)
We (Rich!) drove back to the great ocean road and went to other points along the way such as the eskrine falls, teddys lookout and mariners lookout. The views were amazing and the falls were even better, the sun was beaming down and we thought the pics wouldnt come out well. At the top again we checked them and although you couldnt see the water coming down the sunlight made the pictures look spectacular! Definately worth the tough walk down. We thought this was better because the tour buses couldnt make it up the vertical drive up so it was desserted and so peaceful.
All in all the drive was amazing and the views stunning and hiring the car was cheaper than the tours and gave us more freedom and without a dount one of the highlights of OZ if not the whole trip so far.
Finally we arrived into Melbourne late at night which was "fun" driving into 2nd biggest city in OZ without a clue where we were going! Eventually we found the hostel and after dinner went straight to bed but this wasn't to be a well deserved lay in as we had to drop the car back at 8am!!!!
Neiter of us can wait for a lay in past 8!! Our OZ adventure is almost over now and we are definately gutted about leaving one of the best countries you could ever visit.
Hope all is well back home, much love Richard and Hannah x
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