Hi everyone!!!
I am doing a second blog for ko phangan and ko tao as Rich missed off loads of stuff!!!
In ko phangan we stayed in a bungalow right on the beach. It was paradise!!! the sea was colouful and clear and we ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with a great views of the beach. Felt like a holiday!!! the beach had swings going over the water!!! In the eve everyone gathered on the beach for a few beers round a fire and the locals put on fire displays for us :).
Before the full moon party we went to a waterfall with our friend anne. We climbed up the side of it, felt so unsafe!!! my trainers had no grip. I waited at the bottom while rich and anne kept climbing, just hope i can do the inca trail!!! when they came back we went swimming at the bottom of the waterfall, was freezing but great fun!!! was always something we had wanted to do in thailand and we were not disappointed.
The next day we went on a elephant ride through the jungle. We sat on one called 'mo', she was massive and we did not realise how hairy elephants are. Our guide let us sit on her head, her ears flapped up against our feet felt so weird! After the ride we had a mini elephant show where mo lifted the guide with her trunk and played harmonica!!!
Rich said everything about full moon. I was so worried about him but knew he would find his way back, I walked up and down the beach but there are so many people. Was like trying to find a needle in a hay stack!!! He missed the sun rise which was a great sight :) we all did a human pyramid to celebrate staying out till half 7!!!
In ko tao I spent 24 hrs sleeping, was so exhausted!!!! After I had caught up on some much needed rest we went snorkelling for the day. After I got over my fear of jumping off the boat (was so high) we saw so much coral and tropical fish was great fun. We went to four different sites altogether and an island which is said to be one of the most spectatular islands in the world!!! it was stunning the water was so clear and there were tropical fish swimming round us!!! we got so close to them. We are both even more excited about the great barrier reef now.
We are now in Hat Yai catching up on washing and internet, computers are to slow for pics! Keyboard is so old there are mo letters on the keys, im just about managing!!! We left our friends yesterday :( so its just us again now.
We are trying to get into the christmas spirit but we are struggling! its so weird being on beaches in december!
Hope your all ok and enjoying the run up to christmas!!!
Love Hannah and Rich xxxx
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