Hello everyone! We have finally found a computer that actually works properly. We are in Hong Kong at the moment and have had an amazing day. Just come back from a light display of the city, was incredible!
India was absolutely AMAZING. We arrived in Delhi in the middle of the night was a complete shock to the system! In the morning we woke up to so much noise. After meeting the manager we headed to the red fort and the gandi museum where we sat and had indian tea with the locals. The streets were chaos with cars, tuk tuks, bull carts, horses, taxis, bikes, goats, cows and pigs. It was literally every man for himself!
The next day we visited a number of tombs and temples. We felt like celebrities as everywhere we went people were stopping and asking for photos. The people were so lovely and friendly.
After 3 days in Delhi we headed for Agra. The Taj Mahal was brilliant!!! It was huge and we were even allowed inside, but we had to put some funky slippers on (see pics for details lol). We then visited local shops where they showed us how the Taj Mahal was made was really interesting. Oh and we found out that the workers did not have their hands cut off!!!
Next stop was Ranthantambore were we did a safari, we didn't see any tigers but did see crocodiles, antelope, dear, monkeys and wait for it......pigs! So we were abit gutted. During our visit we saw trains go past with loads of people standing on top and people hanging off the sides of the carriages. Buses were just as crazy!
Pushkar was our next location where we did a camel ride through the dessert on Robbie and Jimmy! This was awesome when they ran it felt so weird and its higher up than you think its going to be. The best part was meeting an Indian family in the desert as they cooked us curry from scratch, we literally ate dinner under the stars. Was an unbelieveable experience and one that we will never forget. This was probably the best part of our trip to India.
Then we went all James Bond in Udiapur for the next 2 days where we saw where part of Octopusy was filmed. The place we stayed had an amazing view of the lake. Here we also visited an art school and where they make tailor-made cashmere suits for next to nothing.
The finally part of our trip was spent in Jodphur and Jaipur where we just did a bit of sight-seeing. This is where we came to the conclusion that once you have seen one fort you have seen them all!!! Here we saw elephants but we decided not to ride them as they did not look very well looked after. We also saw alot of the coutryside where houses were made out of mud and plastic. Women carry massive pots and wood bundles on their head, we can just about carry our bags!
Weather has been no hotter than english summers so far and we have not fallen ill with the food whoop whoop no immodium needed just yet! Curries are so hot over here, when indians tell you its a mild curry they have got to be joking!!!
Things we noticed:
They do not lock their car doors in Delhi, bull carts are known as BMW's according to our driver, drivers use their horns every ten seconds known as 'indian music', they will open the car door for the male not the female, they call thier wives their 'darlings', they spit and pee everywhere it was disgusting never got used to it, foriengers pay 5 times as much for entry fees to locations, all workers in restaurants/shops etc where men, and even though we saw alot of poverty the majority of people we saw and met where generally very happy.
Hope you are all ok and having fun in the cold!
Thanks for your messages, keep them coming!
Hannah and Rich. xxx
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