After leaving Argentina with Craig and Lisa we arrived at the Bolivian border at 6.30am, after getting off the bus it was about minus 5 degrees, it was so cold, after getting through the border we headed for the train station in the most run down border town you could imagine. We arrived at the station just before 8 and our train wasn´t untill 3:30pm! We waited for what seemed like ages and after getting food and drink and stuff we finally got on. The train journey was amazing it was way comfier than we expected and we even got a movie! The scenery we passed was amazing, neither of us expexted Bolivia to be so beautiful. We arrived in Tupiza at half 6 and got a hostel for 25 Bolivianoes.... 2pound 50, we had our own bathroom and cable TV!! Definatley cheaper than we imagined!
Tupiza is a nice little place after booking our tour for the Salar de Uyuni (the biggest salf flat in the world) we had a lazy evening then the next day we went to the market which was so so colourful, we both got a wooly hat for 1pound 90 each as its really cold at night due to the ridiculously high altitude. We also got a drink of jelly and cream which was strange but really nice. For lunch we had a set 3 course lunch for 14Bolivianoes!!!! The 4 of us were always laughing at the sheer cost of it we couldnt believe how cheap it was! After me and Hannah took a walk to a lookout point of the whole "city" is was a fantastic view with shanty towns and huge mountains all around.
The next morning we set off for our tour of the salt flats. Doing it from Tupiza meant that we had an extra day and we got to see the salt flats at sunrise on the final day. We set off early and heading into outback Bolivia, it was amazing and the views we saw were breath taking, the landscape was nopthing like we expected and really really nice. There was a lot of driving involved on the 1st day but we saw a lot and had lunch next to loads of Llamas and even ate some for dinner! At lunch we met the other 4x4 that was travelling with uis and sharing our cook, Apart from "China" they were really nice and could speak fluent spanish so helped us with translations which was nice. When we arrived at our 1st accommodation some people had real trouble with altitude sickness being at 4,200above sea level! Me Craig and Lisa decided (for some ridiculous reason) to play football with some Bolivian kids, not only did they win but we were dead after a good 2mins of playing! After dinner it got really cold and i slept inside 2sleeping bags and had 4 thick blankets. I slept really well but Hannah didnt at all.
Day 2 involved more driving! We sawa some Spanish ruins in the morning and some Lagoons in the afternoon. The accommodation was the same as before and it was again cold but the food we were getting was amazing. Steak and Mash, Pasta, Chicken and chips, all really good!
Day 3 we gopt to see Lagoona Colorada which is trying to get into the new 7 wonders of the world, it was pretty amazing with LOADS of wild flamengoes sitting around, we saw some flying and some dancing which was really cool. After we went to 4 other Lagoons which were nice but after the last one we were definatly all Lagooned out for the trip. Each one was surrounding by stunning scenery just like the whole tour so far. As we driving we saw an active volcano actually erupting, this was amazing but it was quite far away which didnt allow us to get brilliant pics but still pretty cool. When we got to the accomodation it was easily the best so far but we had to move because the other group was a five and wouldnt share a bed. Craig was cracking us up saying that because of "China" we had to move!
The final morning we got up early and drove to the salt lake to see the sunrise, it was really nice but again so so cold! After driving to an island of salt and taking a walk around it we had an amazing breakfast on the salt lake. Then we drove on for a while to get some perspective pictures, it was so frustrating trying to get good pics because if you moved just slightly it looked stupid. Later we visited a salt museum and salt mines then finally we had lunch in a town just off the salt falts. Finally we headed to the train cemetry which was quite dissapointing. We got dropped off at the bus station and booked the bus to Sucre as Uyuni was worst than the Border town!
Hope all is well back home, were both loving Bolivia and have been pleasantly surprised how much so, despite some of the bad things we have heard, everything is going well and looking forward to Sucre, La Paz and Lake Titicaca. Much love Rich and Hannah.
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