Leaving the 30degree heat of the Iguazu Falls behind we awoke after 17hours in Buenos Aires! It was so cold you could see you breath and the dull surroundings of the bus station made me wonder if I had awoken in Russia! We had pre-booked a hostel and a short taxi ride later we arrived, it was not as expected and as always not like the pictures from their website! The strange long haired male owner looked identical to those you find in the American "road trip gone wrong" horror films!! It was Saturday morning and Petra´s birthday, after waiting for 3hours in the hostel we were shown to our ´double room´ which consisted of 2 bunk beds....that was the final straw! A quick exit left us back on the street with me expecting the hostel owner to get in his old ford pickup truck and mow us down!!! 10minutes later we were having breakfast in the amazing hostel Telmontango.
The rest of the day was spent seeing the sights, cobbled roads mixed with Avenida 9 de Julio THE widest road in the world!! FACT!! The city has a western and european mix to it, with everyone strangely wearing only dark clothes... so Petra in her bright pink jacket and me with the brightest white shoes stood out a bit!! That evening we went to celebrate Petra´s birthday within the tango area of San Telmo, great wine and the famous steak provided us with an amusing evening. It was Petra´s turn to get ill and this happened Saturday moving across the next 2days, so not much to report apart from a trip to San Telmo´s sunday market. Borough Market has nothing on this...... it stretches for miles filled with antiques, food stands, painters and the kind of stuff you buy that you dont need.
Today we headed to La Boca, famous for the colourful buildings and tango dancers, hence its a very popluar tourist spot, regardless its a must see! So tonight we embark on yet another coach trip, this time 19hours overnight to Puerto Madryn on the south east coast of Argentina. Following the luxury of our last coach journey we couldnt resist booking the Super Cama/ Suite seats again, this time with the coach company Don Otto. Puerto Madryn is famous for its whales and penguins, and hopefully also for being able to upload many pictures!!
Po 17hod nejlepsi cesty autobusem (1 trida ala kozene sedacky, ze sedacky si udelate postel + servis vecere, snidane, napoju, a ruznych drobnosti behem jizdy-proste luxus:)) se probouzime v hlavnim meste Argentiny BUENOS AIRES..Po 30 stupnovych vedrech v Purto Iguazu se nevericne klepeme zimou, prece jen tady teprve zacina jaro, ale tohle bylo az moc :) Bereme taxi do hostelu, vzapeti menime hostel (nepotrebujeme luxus,ale co je moc to je moc) a ubytovavame se v utelnem hostelu v oblasti San Telmo. Klati me horecky, ale snazim se fungovat, mame toho tolik naplanovane..Vyrazime do centra, prohlizime vse co poznavame z obrazku (v centru toho moc neni-statni budovy,sidlo parlamentu,divadla,galerie). Snad nejznamejsi je ulice Avenida 9 de Julio, ktera je nejsirsi ulici na sveta. Vecer jdeme na veceri, je to den mych narozenin tak alespon mala oslava, davame si obrovsky steak (typicka argent.kuchyne), a vracime se zpet a ja uleham v horeckach. Ty se me nepousti cely pobyt, a tak zustavam v posteli, trochu lituju Rickiho, pac se nudi. Pocasi se nam umoudrilo, vysvitlo slunicko a hned bylo lepe. Jdeme koupit listky na nas dalkovy autobus (i kdyz stoji vic nez nas rozpocet - opet kupujeme 1.tridu,nemuzeme si pomoct, alespon se na dalsich 19 hod v autobuse moooc tesime)A pote jeste rychle na nedelni proslule trhy, plne ruznych drevenych vyrobku, koralku, kaminku, knih, hudebnich nasroju a obrazku. Nakonec si stejne nic nevybereme a ja utikam zpet potit horecky..V den odjezdu jdeme na prohlidku stare casti mesta La Boca, ktera se vyznacujeme barevnymi omitkami a malbami na domech, navstevujeme galerii obrazu a docitame se alespon neco vice o historii teto proslavene oblasti...
Vecer odjizdime na jih a nase dalsi zastavka je mestecko Puerto Madryn, kde je mozne pozorovat verlyby, tucnaky, tulene a cernobile delfiny - tak doufame ze budeme mit stesti!!
- comments
Kim It was cama but not cama suite. So it reclined quite a bit, but it did not fold down coeleptmly to 180 degrees. I had one of those a couple years ago when I went to Mendoza.I slept pretty well actually.Puerto Madryn is not so resorty but definitely a tourist town. It's just not too built up to be obnoxious and hopefully it stays that way The Travel Chica recently posted..
Richard I bought one of these a few weeks ago to repalce my name brand charger that broke. It has been working great so far, and for the price, is an absolute bargain! I would buy another one in a heartbeat if needed!