Tuesday 16th went to plan, all be it a day later! At 9:40am our 28hours of coach journeys began YEY!! 6 hour bus ride took us from Paraty to Sao Paulo, the hidden capital of Brazil. Worried that we hadnt booked any tickets for the next leg and thoughts of spending a night in the vast a dangerous city we ran to the ticket desk and got tickets for the 20:00 bus, 4hours waiting in the bus station passed quickly thanks to an English couple Kelly and Jay we met. 12pm the next day we arrived at the Brazilian side, 2 bus journeys and a complicated border crossing later we arrived in the town of Puerto Iguazu. A bit of tourist information: The Iguazu Falls are so big they can be viewed from either the Brazilian side or Argentinian side (the best in our opinion)!
We are going to upload the pictures soon, just having a few problems with the USB and old computers!! On Wednesday we checked into the conveniently named Hostel Iguazu Falls, woke up early the next morning to get a whole day in at the Falls. This is where I literally become a little lost for words, I need the pictures, they are... are....OUT OF THIS WORLD!! Petra described it at the best day of her life, and that pretty much sums up my feelings on it also!! Its vast, so powerful and like a kid seeing a naked woman for the first time.... you just stand and stare... and stare, unable to speak!!! We took a boat pretty much into the falls, no one comes out dry (see pictures!), it felt like being forced to have a very cold, very powerful shower which for some reason made us laugh constantly for most of the trip, oh and we have the DVD video of it! Soaking wet we took a slower boat across to an island between the Falls to dry off on the rocks, constantly under watch from little lizards and tourists on the mainland! Suddenly I spotted a huge daddy of a Lizard strolling across the rocks, Petra´s reaction made my day, something like fear followed by curiousity! I was blessed to see her reaction again when on top of the island Petra said; "look at that one".. I turned and looked past the baby Lizard she was referring to as my eyes focused on the path back which was blocked by what looked like a young crocodile, I replied "How are we going to get back?" confused initially, Petra finally saw what I saw... and that reaction was priceless!! It turned out to be another huge Lizard, they love the warm concrete and this one wasnt going to be moved off it easily! Eventually when I was practically standing next to it, our croc-lizard slowly moved away sticking his big tongue out at me! We will put the pics asap!!
Our day at the Iguazu Falls was unforgettable, the next day we left Puerto Iguazu for another 17hours coach ride to Buenos Aires, we opted for the VIP Suite seats which included a massive leather chair that collapsed into a full bed with private divide, tv, dinner, drinks and breakfast..... forget flying and National Express... this is the ONLY way to travel!! COACH IT!!! However the coach did get stopped and boarded and searched by armed police 4 times! Hope you are all well, its been 3weeks and feels like a lifetime already, one we never want to end!! Oh and below are a few cost comparisons for those that are interested, Argentina is extremely cheap;
Beer = 80p, Cigarettes (20pack, if you smoke ;-)!!) = 85p, dinner for two with beer = 10pounds, Double room in a Hostel = 13 pounds, Happiness = Priceless!!
Po 6h jizdy dorazime do Sao Paula, kupujeme listky smer Foz de Iguazu, a cekame 4 h. do odjezdu. Cas si kratime posezenim u pivka s anglic.parem ktery potkavame na nadrazi, takze cas bezi rychle, a my se brzy loucime a vyrazime. Po 17 hod jizdy musime jeste 2x zmenit mistni autobus, ktery nas temer vyhazuje na hranicich se slovy bezte si pro pasova razitka a chytte si dalsi bus..Po temer 28h cestovani dorazime do mestecka Puerto Iguazu, uzivame si levne Argentiny a po zbytek dne relaxujeme! Druhy den vstavame brzy, sedame na mistni bus a vystupujeme pred arealem Iguazu Falls! Ve fronte na listky stoji zajezd duchodcu, a tak to jde pomalu. Nakonec se ale dostavame do arealu a prvni misto kam se vydavame je "Dabluv Chrtan" Asi 20min chuze po uzkem moste a nam se naskytnul neuveritelny pohled. Hektolitry vody se vali neskutecnou rychlosti, lomi se o skaly a stekaji v jednu velkou reku. Stojime v takove blizkosti, ze za 5 min jsme mokri, jen naslepo mackame spoust a rychle davame fotak zpet na suche misto. Po te se vrazime zpet a zaciname nasi okruzni jizdu peskobusem. To co se nam nabizi k videni je nepopsatelne. Stovky vodopadu, nekoncici proudy z reky Iguazu, duhove paprsky, flora, fauna. (Jen pro predstavu - rozsahle Iguazu Vodopady lezi na hranicich Brazilie, Argentiny,a Paraguaye, my jsme sli z Argent.strany ktera nabizi obrovske mnozstvi cest a aktivit) Je mozne stat velice blizko, takze nase emoce se stupnovaly velice rychle..ztracime pojem o case, jen vnimame tu nadheru co matka priroda vytvorila. V poledne si to bravurne kracime zvednout adrenalin. Nasedame na clun ktery nas neveze jen do sameho srdce reky kde se vsechny vodopady stekaji, ale primo pod samotne vodopady. Blbneme jak male deti, snazime se nevnimat tu studenou vodu ktera nam tece uz i z bot, ale to kde se prave nachazime (vubec nechapeme jak je mozne zajet do takove blizkosti tak masivnich vodopadu). Priplouvame na breh a usmev nam zustava po zbytek dne (video z tehle jizdy je mozne k videni na Dvd az se nam podari najit super turbo rychli net). Po zbytek odpoledne prolezame vsechna zakouti - jen videt c nejvice ze vsech moznych stran! Samozrejme narazime na radu zvirat - krokodyl se vyhriva na kameni, snad nejvetsi zaba na svete se nehodla uhnout z cesty, desitky jesterek a jakychsi varanu typu "mini krokodyl". Po celodennim uzivani se vracime zpet, nemluvime, jen se snazime vybavit si vsechny momentky z Iguazu Falls. Nikdy jsem o tom nepremyslela, ale tento den byl nejlepsim dnem a zazitkem v mem zivote - proste slovy nepopsatelny!
- comments
Art Great post, Deb!! Can't wait to see the falls! I would love to get some details on where this is and how I can get there with my flimay! There are so many places I'd like to visit and things I'd like to see, that now, thanks to LifePath, we can start our planning!! I don't know where to start!! But I know I'm starting now!