Saddle sore and bleary eyed we woke, not looking forward to the drive.We contemplated another day at Freemantle relaxing in the campsite paired with the occasional John Wayne stagger to the toilets but thought better of it.
The Drive was essentially the opposite to the one into Perth/Freemantle, a gentle dwindling of civilisation as we furthered north into more remote areas.On the way we were to'marvel at the massive wind turbines' (quoted from a tourist brouchure, if this is one of the highlights I'n not exactly bursting with enthusiasm about the place).So after more marveling than a spiderman comic book we were back on track.
The campsite was basic but on the seafront.Not always a bonus when there's a gale blowing!We set up the Ponda Rosa (on a little slant due to some aweful parking on my part) and went in search of other local tourist attractions, not sure how much marvleing w ehad left in us.First stop Lake Thetis, a lake (obviously) that has some sort of bacteria and algae symbiosis (you should know that word form eden's blog entry) that produce calcium deposits and form structures known as stromatolites.The ones in this lake approx 1,200 years old so Jesus (or Ezus for those of a hispanic nature) had nothing to do with them, in life atleast.Next stop on our whirlwind tour was the pinnacles.By this point the effects of saddle sore coupled with four hours driving had taken it's toll and enthusiasm level a little low.Nothing up untill this point had been woth the drive so we expected a little dissapointment at the pinnacles.But that's what I love about this place, just when you think 'is it all worth the effort' (and money) it throws you something to truly marvel at!
The Pinnacles are amazing limestone structures, created from ancient shell remnants of another epoch rich in marine life. (I stole that from the brochure).That evening we went back to see them in the seting sun. I wondered if a Richmond Dentist had encountered anythin similar, if on a slightly smaller scale.
Gem's Note: A slight slant! the backs of my calves were killing me from trying to stay upright!
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