We last left you waiting for a flight over the ancient mystical Nasca lines (pending any difficulties that seem to arise at every corner here). And we certainly weren´t dissapointed with this reason for the 3 hour delay...... "somebody stole a plane". Thats right, in this day in age, somebody wandered into the airport and stole a plane which then vanished, hence the security lock down for sevveral hours.
Eventually we were taken for our flight, and rused through security like rockstars, to the tiny little Cessna awaiting on the runaway. To say it a was a bumpy flight is an understatement and in order to see the pcitures and patterns on the desert floor the plane turned very tight, very fast circles enough to feel the g-force on your face and stomach. But how the hell those Incan´s managed to make those pcitures (one is an astronaut...!!!) withouth the `power of flight or even a big ladder is unexplainable. 40mins later and ready to throw-up we landed, bought souverniers, had a beer and settled in for the evening.
Early the next morning we began the journey to Lima, via Ica, where we took a slight detour to the desert oasis of Huacachina. Managing to tear a guide away from the World Cup, we took an eXtreme dune buggy ride accross the sand dunes to attempt sandboarding in the Peruvian desert. I became a fan of the taste of sand and even managed to stand up for a while (a while in Peruvian time is very different to our definiton - interpret as a second or two).
After a very busy few days we arrived in Lima, ready for a rest, and a lovely hostel with a big, fat TV and comfy chairs, and a supermarket/Pizza Hut/KFC/Dunkin Donuts very close by. For some reason I suddenly became a football fan (which involved sitting in the comfy chairs eating/drinking and staring at a colorful rectangle on the wall.....ahhhhh). After watching England get up the hopes of the nation (AGAIN) and then destroy it within the space of hour (AGAIN) and trying to understand the Spanish commentary we were pretty exhausted.
Fast forward a day or so, an overnight bus to Trujillo, we have just arrived to the desserted beachside surf town for some more rest and if we can persuade any of the locals to get in the water, maybe master the art of surfing. Which may be harder than it sounds as its serious winter here, whcih is a lot like Enlgish summer.....
Love lots
Rich and Em xxxx
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