Another country down, and we arrived in New Zealand at a very unsociable hour, after a bumpy plane ride to be be met by New Zealnd customs, who decided to test my tent for biosecurity hazards (mud!) and confiscate some seeds which were stuck on Emma's shoe!
Since we last wrote, we have had many adventures in Oz, and been looked after by the most amzing people (you know who you all are). We SCUBA dived the Great Barrier Reef, and bumped into a few turtles and a miserable White Tip Reef Shark, ad was escorted back to the mainland by a bunch of dolphins next to the boat. We finally, actually made it standing on a surf board - knew my new blonde hair would help - in some very rough surf at the town of 1770.
We even got to visit Australia "crikey" Zoo, hung out with kangaroos, emu's, cassawaries (they have large talons) and Em held a little koala called Kawarra, say that 5 times in a row.
Next to Surfers Paradise, an awesome day at Wet'N'Wild, another awesome day at Warner Bros Movie World, despite Bugs Bunny flirting with my girlfirend and an all round awesome time. Ah the internet tim is running out, will update again this week (honest!).
Love you all and thanks to all the Logans for their hospitality and making our stay in Australia so fantastic.
Rich and Em xxx
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