Sorry i'm late to say happy new year! Hope you had a great time over christmas and new year.
All the photos and postcards look great. Is it just that the secenery is beautiful, and any old fool could take a good photo, or, are you a good photographer?
Keep enjoying it all. Cant wait to see you and hear about it properley.
Got married on new years eve, and it was fabulous. I'll try and send a photo when i get them. The weather was drizzly but it didn't matter, everything else went really well.
We went to a gorgeous hotel in the bavarian alps for honey moon. It was beautiful scenery and great to be up in the snowy mountains for fresh air and relaxation.
Just got back to work this week, so have come back down to reality with a bump!
Take care of yourself, and lets hope for a fab 2007!
lots of love
em (mrs innes!)xxx
hello just had a look at all your lovely pictures missing you rich .
Hi it seem Out of sight out of mind,But we don't forget you. Love from all of us. Mum xxxxxxxxxxxx
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Can you please post a few more pictures of Pogodai's in Vietnam...as there didn't seem to be enough on there.
John And Janine
Hi Richard,
enjoy your stay in Cambodja
and a Happy New year
Uncle Paul
Sorry for this message been late, only just come back from Chester from my birthday celebrations. Hopefully you have had a brilliant new year overseas.
All the best,
Uncle Paul, auntie Jean, Mark, Neil and Rachael
Mum & Dad
happy new year. Have a great time . Gran send her love.
love Mum & Dad xxxxx
Matty P
Rich (Tino!),
just a quick msg to wish you a very Happy New Year!
Look forward to hearing the first updates in 2007....Cheers, Matt
Glennis And Peter Shea
Glennis And Peter Sheag
Pharmacy Jim
Happy Christmas mate. Fantastic pictures - keep posting them, they're helping me get through the bleak mid-winter in D90! Good work on the distinction by the way, we never doubted you.
No evidence thus far of your house having burnt down, Matt is keeping his eye out. I'm sure West Bridgford is going downhill....
Have a great New Year sir.
Pharmacy Jim / Flame
pleased you had a good but different christmas. We had a nice one but very strange without you. thanks for the great presents,we've already printed off some pictures. all the granparents enjoyed themselves and missed you of course.
carry on having fun and keep up your blogg.
We've just got the broadband connection, so I'm still learning.