Satin Shoes Go Camping
Hidy ho folks,
So here I am in sunny (slightly warmer) Mendoza, having arrived on overnight bus from Buenos Aires this morning. Best fill you in on the last few days then...
Just want to point out Soph that I flew to BA - not quite as character-building as the bus, but I have more time in lovely Arg now. I too, am wearing cashmere because it is freezing but thanksfully not raining... Spent the first day in BA being totally overwhelmed by the simply gargantuan bus station and sniffling constantly with my cold (I do seem to be developing a sickly nature. No! NO!) but managed to meet up with this girl called Liese that I met on the beach in India who has now moved to BA. So, so nice to see a friendly face and she invited me to go to a Tango class with her and her teacher. Turned out to be huge milonga hall where everyone goes to dance together and we hadn't a clue what was going on (even in the beginners' section) but was so cool to see how real a part of everyday Argentinian culture the Tango is - everyone who's anyone takes classes here, and it's quite an experience to see it done properly and in a local environment.
Next day took myself off to an agricultural fair - parilla (barbeques laden with whole cows) galore and a whole hall full of sheep, horses and cows (found the sight of Jersey cows strangely comforting) as well as rings with gauchos displaying lassooing skills etc etc. Bought some quality tat (although it ws local event - real family do and I was hte only gringo there) including one of those crocheted gaucho beret things that I will never wear.
Back at the hostel the next evening I'd met four English boys who invited me out for dinner for one of their birthdays - ended up going home quite early because was feeling rubbish but the whole evening was worth it for the cab ride: the driver turns to me (in the front seat) and I'm wearing my llama-printed Peruvian hat...he starts to insinuate that I'm a Peruvian from an indigenous tribe no matter my protestations that am from INGLATERRA! Meanwhile he's winked at the boys in the back and they realise he's having me on, but for the next 20 blocks we go through all the international hand symbols for "bow and arrow for killing animals" and "I'm sailing down the amazon in my canoe"...began playing along with him but we all pretty much laughed ourselves silly...came across lots of quality banter from locals that night (Hand of God, anyone?) that hadn't encountered before in Argentina, and it's really endeared those Argies to me.
So off I trotted onto my amazingly luxurious (though still 3rd class) bus last night - took me 18 hours to get here but slept on and off the whole way. Had 2 terrible films but the best bit was that we stopped at a motorway restaurant and were presented with a plate of piping hot ravioli and meatballs (not as good as Faye's) that was included in the ticket. Genius!
Have lready bumped into a couple of English lads I met in BA here in Mendoza and have met a Dutch girl who's in my dorm that knows even more about football that possibly even Gunnar (her Dad's a national football commentator). We're going wine tasting tomorrow... Reports of carnage to follow...
Ellie - have a fabulous time in Morrocco and camping - quality bonding time with the it!
Soph - absolutely so excited about old boys the day before my birthday. You me and meals big reunion when I get back?
Laura - miss you loads too chick, keep me posted about job and london whereabouts, fingers crossed for you...and congrats on finishing the masters! xxxxxxxx
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