Things we have learnt in Medellin so far
1. Beautiful springlike climate, but perfectly chilly at night
2. With a 3 for 1 cocktail deal one can have a very merry time whilst appreciating the nations tropical fruits and getting your five a day
3. When you order aguicate (nothing exotic - actually just sambuca bleugh) it will arrive with a tiny little bowl of popcorn and a glass of water for your health, how sweet.
4. There are a disproportionate amount of men in our hostel, draped around like cats. I have spotted one other girl and around 30 men... It is slightly worrying and I hope they don't pick up our scent..
5. Medellin is a seriously proper city with a beautiful recreational drinking area made up of largely outdoor bars with fairy lights and all manner of twinkly things from the cocktails to the barman's superbleached teeth
6. Bleaching teeth very cheap here- may partake... When in Medellin?!
7. Butt implants and nose jobs/ liposuction also very cheap...may refrain from that but will have to endure pitying looks from Medellin girls presuming my daddy is poor.
- comments
caroline castle All sounds great fun but good idea to pass on the liposuction. How is the spanish going since the intensive lessons? ?Que tal? I do not seem able to make the first question mark appear upside down. Maybe I need It lessons rather than spanish!