So here we are in Medellin!! The city of perpetual spring has the most gorgeous climate- warm and not too humid all year round, perfect! We flew here from Cartagena which is the far quicker way instead of a 12 hour bus journey, and fortunately relatively cheap. We have arrived in our hostel (black sheep) and are shortly going to go out to meet a girl we met in Cartagena who lives nearby for Thai food and 3 for 1 cocktails! Plane journey was made slightly awkward by the fact that certain Colombian men seem to have little respect for personal space and greasy thin man to my side was no exception! Now sir do you really need to lean across to look out of the window for the whole journey? Ok if that's how you're gonna have it.. So it's goodbye Cartagena and hello Medellin- city of Pablo Escabar, stunning rolling green countryside and butt implants. Adios!
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