Heyyaa.. hope your ok!! i got your text the other day... helped wake me up for work lol..
the picture look fantastic... looks like your having great fun!! your soo brave Rebeecca Williams!! lol.. sky dive, climbing.. scary stuff..!! but looks goodd!!
when you said hi on facebook the other day i was at college and the computer kept freezin and facebook was playing up so kept trying to reply but then you were offlinee.. so gutted..
sounds like your having a fab timee..
Speakk Soon..xxxxxx
Love the pics of your new hair babe! Colour is gorge!!
&& Yes.. it's crazy, I was going home yesterday and they were putting up the Christmas lights in Wycombe town!!!!!
I was like OH MY GOD, no way, not yet!!! Haha...
Have a safe trip on your bus ;-)
Olivia Holmes
All sorted munchkin for you as you asked earlier.
Check your email too :-)
Love you and Miss you xxxxxxxxxxxx
Debi Smith
hey you,
so good talking to you yesterday, sorry about my crazy gran!!! im missing u more and more at the moment, sometimes wish i was there with you.
i really hope the job interviews go well nrxt week, my big bro will be there by the 4th! every one is going to oz!!
miss you, luv ya, xxx
Lindsey Clarke
Sounds like you're having so much fun. I've been trying to keep up with your travels but I've been a little bit busy this week, George William Robert McFarlane was born last wednesday (8th Oct) @ 5.26am, he was alot bigger than I expected (a whopping 9lb 6.5oz), my god it hurt BIG time.
Carry on having loads of fun
Lindsey xxx
Rebecca - For Michael
Haha! Your so funny! I cant stop laughing!
Trust me, I will be staying away from the toilet - theres no way I will ever sit on one again, twice lucky, third time; maybe not so lucky!
Thanks for your tx last night - was good to hear from you!
Miss you lots and our crazy talks in the mornings, one thing I look forward to when I get home! You wont be able to get rid of me again!
Hope you are okay and enjoying your time in Cyprus. One hint for you - USE SUN LOTION, dont be fooled by the sun, like I was, on my ASS! :-)
Rebecca (MB for this one time only)! xx
Sorry i got the dates wrong !!!
Hope you have a good bus trip on tuesday . Just stay away from the loo, becarefull when you get on and off the bus as those steps are very tricky :-) .
Hope you are ok, miss you
Hi Miss Williams
Hope you have had a good bus trip
Good luck on the job front will speak to you in the week
hello babe.
Facebook is being a pain in the butt again - I can recieve your messages but cant reply or write on walls or do anything actaully.
how you doing? You sound like you're having a rest from your daily daring stunts - LOL!!! Still enjoying yourself I hope? Apr 15th is baby's due date - do you reckon you'll be back by then? Miss you too babe. xxx
Olivia Holmes
Hey Babes! Hope your ok,I had a look at the photos as you said and had a look at you know who...!! ...!!
I will email you my opinion :-)
Love you and Miss you TONS chick xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Rebecca,
What are you like! always on the go. I'm so pleased that your still enjoying your time over there. Still missing you loads.
Who is this Damo Guy???????
Love you. Mum. xxxx
PS. High Damon.........that was my attempt at humor. xx
Hey Bec,
really sorry that i have not posted on the board for a long time now. i have been so busy with work and stuff but that is a lame excuse. i have even spent a week in a nuclear power station up north which was quite an experience.
i have just spent 1.5hrs reading through everything that you have been getting up to and i am jealous, surprised and so happy you are having fun.
sorry to hear that you lost a load of pictures but you have obviously taken loads more along the way and you had it pretty good with all the guys making you dinner! :)
the journey to NZ sounded like a complete pain in the a$$ but well worth it. glad that you managed to make it over there. Claire and i are still thinking about going but money is tight with everything that is going on but your stories have only made me even more determined to visit the place so maybe i will see you in the new year over there. fingers crossed.. Claire and i are are living together now!
You and charity clothing just reminds me of the competitions you had with people on the cruises so i have no doubt that you did well with that one.
basically i just hope you continue to have an amazing time. dont worry too much about work cos everything sorts itself out in the long run. i am well proud of my lil sis for doing the skydiving and just getting properly stuck in. just make sure you come back at some point. Sweet as!