hey babes, well ive had the worst weekend of my life, to which i'll email you about, but logging on this morning and reading your blogs has really cheered me up and even made me smile!! (thanks!) I cannot believe how much you have done already! I am soo proud of ya ;0) We had great weather yesterday I was down in Bournmeouth on the beach! However I didnt burn my legs!!!! bless ya! I keep trying to call you but I always get your VM!! which by the way sorry for my randon message the other day! just thought i'd say howdy!! or should I say G'Day!!
Please keep up the blogs! They are fantastic! You really should write a book!! You sound like your having the most hilarious time of your life! even if I do miss you HEAPS!
Have fun babes, and I cant wait to log in tomorrow for the next update on The Life of Rebecca Williams - The Australian Tales!!!
Debs :)xxxxxxx
Hi Rebecca,
How excited am I. We have tried to phone you to let you know that Dad, yes Dad has spent the evening in an Indian Restaurant, oh yes, you read it right, what can I say. He has even said that he would go back another night.
We hope your hangover is not too bad and that you have made it up in time for your tour. As we have just spoken on the phone all I can say is 'go for it' do a sky dive and enjoy it.
Love you. Mum, Dad, Bob and Katie. xxxx
Hi Becca
Sounds like you are having a great time !!!. Glad you went over then ?.
Loving the blogs and pictures you make me smile everytime i read them. Maybe you are not so high Maintance as i thought.
Keep safe and miss you xx
Hi Becca,
Mum read your blog to me tonight and showed me your pictures, it all sounds great. I'm really pleased your enjoying yourself. Please be careful. Take care.
Love You. Dad. Xx
Well you are certainly having some FUN. Which one of you pushed the stop button on the lift, I can guess especially as there was only one of you??? Have you thought of writing a novel, cos this is better than any book I've read!!!! Enjoy yourself, take care and stay safe.
Love, Jane and Den xxx
Hi Rebecca,
Mmmm so, stuck in a lift with 3 guys, was any of them by any chance the 'DIET COKE' man. Lucky you. I've managed to catch up with all the sleep I lost the other night when we were emailing, I was so tired. It all seems to be happening to you out there you won't want to come home (don't even go there). It seems quiet, oh so quiet without you here but I must confess I really am enjoying reading your blogs and your meassage board so keep it all coming.
Oh by the way, the young girl from the boulevard has received her work permit and I beleive she is heading to Cairns in September (next month)....more to come.
Take care of yourself. Love you. Mum xxxx
Nan And Grandad P
Hi Sheila...It looks like you are having a great time and making a lot of friends...and...boozing...When are you going on your safari?..the weather in Aussie is a lot better than in Windsor. Your Mum spoke to us after you spoke to her and told us briefly about what you have been up to....What did you get upto in the lift with 3 blokes?..We will talk to you later..Good bye and take care...Nan and Grandad, XXX
Katie Harris
WOW!!!!!!! You have done sooooooooooooo much already and made loads of friends.
Hope you are having the most amazing time, i knew you would. enjoy every minute of it. love looking at the pic's and reading the stories, keep them coming.
Love you loads xxxx
Olivia Holmes
I agree, it actually feels like I am there with you.. Except I am still sitting at my desk at work :-(
Looks like you are having an amazing time bec's, meeting new people everyday.
Where's "the picture" haha...
Miss you loads
Love ya xxxxxx
Debi Smith
hey babes, i have to say i totally agree with janet and john, your blogs make me feel like im right there with you especially with the photos! im loving my day when i log into your blog and for half an hour i get whizzed off to Australia!! sounds like your having an amazing time, though i never doubted you wouldnt!
keep safe babes and i miss u
Janet And John
Dear Rebecca
Your blogs are wonderful..we really feel we are doing this trip with you..
Pleased you like the new hostel you are in at Cairns, sounds luxurious compared with where you were staying in Sydney,,,oh to feel the sun on you...and to think it is almost Autumn in Aus. you are not missing any good weather her still like winter cold and grey....It is great you are meeting up with some nice people on your travels..Have a wonderful time, make the most of every minute
Keep well and safe
Take care Love Janet & John
Jamie Thorngate
Hi Becca
Sounds like your having a great time on your travels.I never thought you would go through with it.I am sure you will look back on this time and have great memories.I look forward to reading your blog and seeing your pictures take care of yourself and come back safe and sound.