On Friday we all went to Florence for the day. We took a MASSSSSSIVE bus and one smaller van. My class and their Irish students went on the big bus and the girls from the class above mine and their Irish girls and I went on the smaller bus and it was so much fun! We sung played games and had a lot of fun and got to know each other really well cause there were only 14 of us. We also had the Irish teachers. The day in Florence was so amazing! We got to see what Florence looked like from up high and see lots of famous statues and go inside a famous church. We seen the cathedral and went through the gardens of Florence. for lunch a group of us went to MacDonalds and its was amazing! They have really different things from at home but also some of the same things! Chicken nuggets are just as good ;) we had a bit of time to look around ourselves and get gelato the day went really quickly and I now know why it's known as one of the most beautiful cities in the world! It's amazing! The way home we decided we would song italian Irish and Kiwi songs so that was very funny, but Molly Malone was the favourite by far (famous Irish song) we got home about 8 and then my family went to the pub for dinner and got home about 11 so I was shattered. Saturday we split into three groups the Italians learnt an Irish song with one of the Irish teachers, the Irish learnt and italian song with the italian teachers and I went with the other Irish teacher and we went to a class from the first year and learnt and Irish song and then we all went back together and sung them. We then went to the council buildings in Parma and met the mayor and vice mayor and they talked to us and we had a look around. Very old but amazing! Like a parliament building at home. Was very cool to have our own seats with microphones etc we were very lucky to get that opportunity. I went home for lunch and U.S. three kids slept. Giovannis girlfriend came for dinner for valentines and then I was out to it not long after. Today we are having a relaxing day and tomorrow we're going to the centre again and going shopping as a class and then after school I will go back to the centre with Cecilia. The Irish being here is so good! Very nice to speak english easy and then understand everything
- comments
Katrina Thomas Caught up with Jill & Derek at swimming (Graeme Laing) over the weekend, which reminded me to find your blog, even though Meg and Bella had told me to do so about a week earlier. So pleased I have found it.