So to continue my journey after arriving at Had Yai, I caught a bus to Kuala Lumpur at 6pm and arrived in KL at 4am. The bus was awesome, the best I have been on so far, the fact that the 3 seats at the end of the bus were free and i could lye down really helped- and being prepared I bought my travel pillow- so it was very luxurious! I had to get my passport stamped twice along the way and get my bags checked- was pretty relaxed though.
OK so after a 19 hour journey I arrived in KL. Paid 20 RM for the taxi to hostel which was 1.2km away- i got ripped off but couldnt be bothered to argue at that time of night!
After all this, guess what??? Its f******g raining here non-stop! Its the wet season and they are predicting a lot more rain. I am soo stupid I left the sun and sand to be in the rain. The worse thing is before I left, this girl gave me here travel book to read and I actually read that it was the wet season and worse still- I read on thid forum someone left a post saying that they were going to Malaysia in December and heard that it was going to be heavy rain- as someone else left a post saying that they didnt leave their hotel for 2 weeks because of the rain!! It didnt sink in until I am here and its been raining for hours! I am just going out in a while- dont really care if I get soaked! I was going to send my hoodie home because it was soo hot in Thailand but glad I didnt as I have got it on now!!!
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