Since being back in Perth things have calmed down a bit and not been as exciting as the previous week. Friday we went around Fremantle (Freo). We wondered around the markets which was nice. Then spent the rest of the day on the phone, booking our campervan for the East side and changing our flights to arrive in Melbourne a week earlier, as we have pretty much done the West side now, So the plan is to now leave for Perth this Thursday!
That evening we went out with Ed, Rach, Ben and their flatmates in Freo. Things started off really well, with everyone having a good laugh, whilst sinking one or two bevies. Then suddenly it all kicked off between everyone, with Me, Dan and Dave just stood their wondering what the hell was going on! This went on all night, with people ending up going their separate ways. Luckily for that night, we had booked ourselves a hostel to stay in, so we were relieved to not be going back to the house that night.
The following day we made our way back to the house to find everything fine and everyone talking to eachother as if the night before had never happened. Confused, but relieved we went along with it, as none of us really understood what had happened anyway. That afternoon we went for lunch at Little creatures, which was really nice as its right on the waterfront and after we had eaten we spent the afternoon playing an Ozzy version of boules, before heading back for a BBQ.
Sunday we did different things Ben and Dave went to a music festival for the day, but both Dan and I really weren't all that bothered by the bands playing, so couldn't justify spending the money on it, so spent the day in Perth. We went to Kings park and Botanical gardens which is HUGE!! We went up the DNA tower, where we got some pretty cool views of the city, went on a tree top walk which was pretty lame and down Jacobs Ladder, which was just a whole lot of steps. We then went to another waterfront bar called Lucky Shag, which was really busy, but really nice. We then found an Asian food court to grab some dinner in, which really wasnt all that great, but it was cheap!!
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