Tuesday was a very tender day, feeling completely bullied by the sun, we cowered from it at every opportunity! But as our luck would have it the day was planned as a beach/snorkeling day. So we layered on the sun cream, wore our longest shorts and biggest t-shirts (I wore one of Daves) and psyched ourselves up to face the sun.
The first beach we stopped at was beautiful, we had the entire length of it to ourselves, it was just spoilt by the fact I was constantly being drowned by the giant t shirt I was wearing and the shooting pain we all had on our lobstered skin.
The second place we stopped at didn't have a beach, so we had to climb into the water with our flippers on over the rock, which was a challenge in itself. Dave was paranoid of getting burnt even more, so didnt last too long before cowering in the shade. Dan and I went pretty far out determined to find a turtle or shark, but unfortunately the current was a bit too strong. We did however, see some pretty cool fish and some really lovely blue starfish. We bought an underwater camera, but taking photos underwater with you'r body floating to the surface isn't the easiest thing in the world, so well have to see how they come out!
We then went on to Turquoise bay, which was also stunning. There were two seppparate beaches for us to snorkel on. On the fist beach the water was quite stirred up, so it wasnt all that clear, but we did manage to spot a huge sting ray, which was pretty cool. Dave got all excited when he found another one, which he was convinced was even bigger until we told him he'd swam against the current, so found the same one again!!
We then went over to the second beach, which was much clearer, but the current dragged you along much faster and we had been warned that a man had drowned just the week before, so it was pretty hard going. Dan had managed to get separated from us and when we saw him on the beach we started to head back to call it a day, when suddenly I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. It was a TURTLE!!!!! In shear excitement Dave and I swam along with it for ages, snapping away with our camera, untill we'd used up all the film and the turtle had gone! It was soooo cool, and I think Dan was gutted he'd got out, but hopefully it will have been the first of many we will see.
Our paranoia of the sun paid off tho, as we managed to not get any more burnt, as the rest of the group started complaining of sore shoulders and backs of knees.
Wednesday was just a long old day of travelling, as we attempted to make our way back doing the journey we had just taken 5 days to do in just 2. It was pretty much 11 hours of solid driving with the odd toilet and lunch stop thrown in, but surprisingly it wasnt too bad. We had to pick up another group of people to take back to Perth, so our mini bus was full. The other group were an odd mix of people. A forty odd year old barbie from Scotland, a 50 year old woman from England who had come to Oz just for the week, a German girl who argued with 5 of us English people, that England wasnt a country it was a state!! an Irish guy, who was scared of water and only packed jeans and loafers to wear on a beach tour and many more. It was strange to say the least. That night we stayed at a farm stay which was pretty cool, but very hot. 45 degrees!! We were all given the option of sleeping outside, which all of our original group did, but none of the new lot. We were given a ground sheet, a sponge matress and a sleeping bag and plonked ourselves under the clearest sky we've ever seen and watched the moon rise. There were 2 small dogs on the farm, who were very excited to see us out at night and decided to camp out with us. One of which decided, in the middle of the night, he was too cold, so climbed into my sleeping bag doing his best to get me out of the way and proceeded to snore all night!
We woke up as the sun began to rise, which again was pretty cool, then headed off to a place called Hut River Provence. Which is a country in its own right, in Oz due to some loop hole in the land laws back in the day. We were shown around this country by Prince Lenard and Princess Shirley, who founded the country and are both now in their 80s. We got our passports stamped and exchanged some money. The 2 of them are very eccentric to say the least, as we were shown medals they had made for their army and stamps etc. (this country only consists of a post office, a church and a general store!) It was really fun!
We then went on to a wildlife park, where we got to feed some Kangaroos and hold some snakes. We then made our way back to Perth, where we had to say an emotional good bye to everyone wed met. We've made some really cool friends and hopefully we'll be able to meet up with some of them as our paths cross around OZ and NZ.
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