Boat trip wo really good, we wo so tired tho frm night b4 we'd ad that many bugs in are room we oni ad about 3 hours sleep. At one point we ad 2 flying cockroches in are room at same time, en they wo big. We c*** run out cos the frogs wud of got us, we wo both screaming en jumping on one another, Carlie wo just abart to cry, wen 1 of them committed suicide en threw its self into the fan en half its body splatted on her bed. It wo quite funny. It wo really good feeding the monkeys, am gutted abart not seeing any sharks tho, most people fort a wo weird saying that but a really wana swim wo em b4 a come home. The beach wo gorgeous aswell. Is a bit scary seeing all these tsunami signs everywhere, theres still alot of people trying to get back to normal from it. Where in Phuket now, boat ride ova ere wo a bit scarey, the waves wo nearly turning the boat on its side, every1 felt i'll. Not much to do in Phuket, where leaving ere 2mora en goin2 ko samui, guna start finding somewhere to stay for the full moon party, can'nt wait. Rate guna get off. Speak soon.xx
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