Hi Everyone!
Its bin a hard journey the last couple of weeks, we've ad sum traumatic times with are bags. Weve nearly bin in tears! Are bags av bin perfect for everywhere we've been so far but there just not suited for Thailand. There not really made to put on are backs so weve bin avin to drag em everywhere, en there heavy! When we got to Perinfian Islands we had to trek are bags thru ther jungle to get to the other side, it wo just awful, it took every1 else 10 mins to walk wi there bags on there back, it took us 40 mins! In 40 degree heat wi ad drag it ova trees wi spiders the size of taransulas starin at us. We wo both ready to cry en on verge on exsausgen, carlies legs got shreded, back of her legs wo just covered in blood! We can oni just start to laff abart it nar, en its abart a week later! We wo that shattered en drained we wo both in bed 4 7 en we ad 14hrs sleep! ha! It wo a gorgeous place to stay tho, nicest place nicest beach we've been to so far. Left there 3 days later wi another trauma, ad to get me bag to end of beach to get on a boat, Carlie put her house ( thats her bag, thats what we call it cos there that big) on her back. Every1 on beach wo staring at us like freaks, i wo trying to pull mine thru the sand, we the look on me face, you wud of thought a wo pulling a ton! A luked like ad just bin in a bath a wo sweating that much, eventually a man came en helped me, a wo shekin, en me voice wo breakin cos a cud of cried! Anyway we got a taxi to the Thailand border got thru there ok, sumat goin rite 4 once. En then we ad to walk 40 mins we are bags to the bus station to get a bus to Krabi, the wo army tanks we abart 5 blokes cumin art of top of them, we massive guns, fort we wo guna get are heads blown off. We got on bus to krabi, en we wo oni white people on bus, we ad a Thai man you wo leathered who wunt leave us alone, so we wo panicking like mad cos he kept saying he wo guna get off wi us, we dint av a clue where we wo getting dropped off, en we dint av anywhere to stay wen we got there in middle of the night. Rate laff! Anyway we managed to get rid of him, at abart 3 in morning we wo oni ones to get dropped of in krabi, they dropped us in middle of nowwhere, en there wo no hostels around. Next min 2 blokes cum up en tell us to get on back of there mopeds en they'd tek us to the town 4 a hotel, well a wont goin nowhere wi em. So a set up house outside local shop en we wo just sat there like tramps it wo chuckin it darn aswell, after abart an hour shop keeper felt sorry 4 us, so 2 lasses sqaushed us en are houses on there mopeds en tuk us 2 a hotel, we'd not slept 4 nearly 24hrs at this point, things wont goin well. Anyway got to Phip phiIslands yesterday en its ace, its the Thai's New year en they just av a water fights for 3 days, its bin ace ant stopped laffin, second we walked on island we wo drenched every1 ad water guns or buckets full of water. We went en got some water, en we bought sum baby powder, we wo chuckin water in there face en then poofin en wi babay powder, it wo hilarious, every1 wo just hammered. No 1 wo dry even little old women who a dunt fink knew this wo guna be happening got away wi it, wish i ad sum pics but obviously me camera wud of got brok. We goin to Maya bay 2mora, thats where they filmed the film The Beach! Another 1 thats meant to be gorgeous, en where goin to Monkey Island hopefully i'll av better look this time, en not get attacked, you can feed the wild monkeys. En where goin 2 shark point, if theres any sharks you can get in wi em so hopefully there will be, there reek sharks but can grow up to 4 metres long, so it will be scarey! Me en Carlies just ad another trauma in are room, we've got sumat alive in are bathroom en we dunt know what it is, weve got 4 lizards in are room, but where used to that nar, weve got a cockrel that waint shut up, a cow that waint stop mooin outside are room, en abart 50 mosi's in there aswell!. So we freaked art went to run art of room, its dark nar, en about 50 froggs just jumped on us, en a flying cockroche did a running jump to get me! So where not quite used to Thailand yet but a think where guna love it wen we do. God av babbled on this time an a. Rate i'll get off en i'll put sum more pics on 2mora after are trip.
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