Wow, wow wow!
Av ad 1 of the best days eva today, av fed a 2mth old baby tiger, and a 6mth old tiger. Av held en been playing with 2 orangutans, there brother and sister, jerry en jessie en absoulutley amazing dint wana leave, they both ad little t-shirts on en Jessie sat on me knee while we ad are picture taken. Jerry wo older than his sister en just sat there wi face on like a morngy teenager, but they wo ace, there hands en everythings just so human like. Definately 1 of the highlights from me trip cos a dint think a wo guna get to do it. Cant believe av fed 2 baby tigers a bottle either, just gorgeous, there paws wo massive to say how young they wo.
After that i went en held 3 crocodiles, i had 2 in me hands en a baby 1 on me head. Then we went to where all the big crocs wo, en a fed a massive croc a chickens leg, it jumped out of water en ragged it off me stick, just call me steve!
We went to watch elephant show which wo good, en then a got to do sumat else a never fort ad do, i hatched a baby crocodile! It wo so weird a felt like a wo in Jurassic Park or sumat. Its nose wo popping out of the top, en the shells are really hard so they need a bit of help. So a started slowly pulling shell of, en the little thing wriggled out on to me hand, it just stared at me, then are guide went, or your a mammy, can't say it wo love at first sight! A then ad to cut its ambilical cord, en a wo put on spot to name it infront of every1, so BOBBY just popped out of me mouth, dunt ask cos a dunt know where that came from.
So its just been ace, to be honest tho some things there wont nice at all, there trying to mek different animals interact, and in 1 tiny room there wo, a pig a 1yr old tiger and 2 golden retrivers, it wo awful, the tiger just wanted to play, but it wo ragging the poor dog all ova, en really hurting it, a cud of cried av never seen a dog look so sad, but it wo cruel on the tiger aswell, cos it just wanted to play en dint realise how much it wo hurting him, it will eventually kill it, without a doubt.
It wo cute to see, but they put piglets in with a female tiger, en put little tiger suits on them, but she wo hurting em aswell. En then there wo tiger cubs living with a huge pig, en feeding from her, it wont right. They've got about 500 crocodiles that live there but they openly said that they breed them to kill them to make purses and bags. So my little bobbies futures not looking too great! We could of had crocodile penis soup, but we passed! Worst wo seeing that dog, apart from that everything else wo treated ok.
10 DAYS nar, all pics are on carlies camera, so i'll show you when we get home.
Siya Soon.xx
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