I went over to the Yorke Peninsula to stay near Port Vincent in a beach Shack on the weekend. It was so relaxing and just what I needed after being ill all week. The shack overlooked the ocean and I sat and watched the tide go out and then come back in again, while reading on the deck. Sunset was beautiful and the moon's reflection on the water at night was lovely.
We spent the next day at Innes National Park a fabulous spot at the tip of the Peninsula. There were some awesome views and beaches along the way. I saw emus in the wild which pleased me! It must be a great fishing area, as that is all everyone talks about and it seems most people are there for. Every conceivable spot is being fished!
I had a go at fishing from a boat. I think I learned quite a bit! Well, I know a bit now, as opposed to nothing at the start! I learned how to catch crabs and how to clean and cook them! I got eaten alive by mosquitoes though at this point! Not a good memory!
I liked the shack so much I went back for a second weekend. On leaving the shack to return to Adelaide the second weekend, I started to feel a pain in my right side, below my ribs. I had the pain for 4 days of which it was bearable. On the 5 th day it was agonising and I was taken to the emergency department of Flinders Hospital. They took care of me and throughout the day I was in a cubicle down in emergency. I've had a bad run of it lately, haven't I? Just illness after illness. Mainly my tonsils, I have to admit, but this latest one came right out of leftfield! I was in a sorry state though, with a drip in each arm and oxygen tubes up my nose as my blood pressure had dropped after an ultrasound scan. I was given morphine intra-venously all day until I nearly fainted when I went to x ray, and then they gave it me in tablet form. I spent 3 days in the hospital. The doctors did lots of tests to find out what was wrong, but did not manage to find out the cause of the pain. It seems like I have been ill or recovering since I arrived here in Adelaide! I have visited 2 hospitals and 3 different medical centres since I've been here. I haven't had a job since I left Sydney and have every intention of working but just keep getting sick! Maybe next week!
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