Well I am now in Byron Bay which is so cool. It's how I imagined Australia to be. It's a small seaside town with loads of surf shops and cool restaurants and bars. It was warm and sunny today but a bit windy! I had mad afro hair! I had to put a hat on to cover it up! Arrived in from Brisbane today after spending only one night there! Am going on a trip to Nimbin tomorrow and then Tuesday I think the boys are coming up. I leave late at night Tuesday to go back to Brisbane to catch my flight to Singapore on Wednesday afternoon.
Sydney was good. The first day was hard as it was emotional leaving Melbourne after 5 months and it was strange being alone again. Tuesday I spent with Bec a girl in my room, Wednesday we went on the Blue Mountains Day Trip (see photos). It was beautiful and a long, tiring day. Wednesday night I went out to Newtown to meet Brendon who I shared a room with in Melbourne for a couple of months. He'd moved back to Sydney a couple of months ago so we met for a few drinks. It was great fun to fill him in on all that he had missed at Nomads! Thursday I went up the Sydney Tower and did the SkyWalk which is where i walked around the top (yes top - as in on top - outside!) the observation deck! The views from up there was spectacular! I had my picture taken which I'll show you when I get home. Friday I went on a whale watching boat trip which was amazing. I saw some humpback whales! Very cool. Friday night I went to meet Johnny - a fellow Melbourner! Saturday some of my friends from Melbourne arrived in Sydney to start the East Coast and I met them for breakfast at Scruffy Murphys. Me and Rex (he's from Taiwan) had full Irish breakfasts but Jeremy (from NZ) and Rob (from Cumbria) had steak and beer! It was 8am! They'd been on the overnight bus up from Melbourne and hadn't slept! Apart from Rex who fell asleep immediately! We then spent the morning going to see the sights and taking loads of pictures! The boys are crazy and get up to all sorts! I forgot how much I missed them. I had to leave them at Circular Quay and I then had a mad dash to the airport to catch my flight. I got in to Brisbane about 4pm and went straight to the hostel to wash my clothes, use the net, eat dinner and go to bed at 9pm. I was knackered after a mad week in Sydney!
Now I'm doing more stuff I'll be updating more often with pics and all!
Hope everyone is good and for those who don't know - I'll be home on 12th October so no getting out of buying me birthday presents! Ha ha!
P.S. Auntie Katie - yes I did get your email. Sorry I forgot to reply! I have had the box sent to you if that's ok. Should be with you in about 2 months! Yes really. Don't worry box is not that big! Hope you enjoyed New Forest - saw Lorraine's pics on Facebook.
P.P.S. - Just to prevent the shock when I get home - I have a tattoo! Sorry Mum!
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