whoy, hope all is well!? thought i d give a quickie to say how we gettin on in cairns. we ve pretty much explored the city now and the free pools and harbour. its pretty to stay so close to the sea front. i ve been ill with a flu/cold/allergy (i dunno) a bit over last few days so we've moved to a quieter more expensive hostel but its nice...expect that ive had 5 of my tops nicked..right from near by my bed! at least that has solved the problem of not being able to close my bag easily! apart from swimmin in the lagoon, sitting under palm trees and saving cash i ve not been up to much the past few days but rach has been going places, she went on a trip on a boat out to the reef and her photos look exciting from that. im so tempted to go back to snorkal over the reef but its money and coughing permitted and i may ru;n outa time. i d better sign of f and let rach give up more of our news, hansx
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