Rachel's Travels...
Tuesday 2 - Unfortunately the weather wasn't as nice today, it was overcast and spitting at times. But I was determined to go for a walk. The walk I went on was called the Avalanche Peak track (lovely name!). This wasn't a walk, rather it was a climb. Most of the time I had to use both hands to help me get up and there wasn't really much of a path. Parts were quite steep and for most of it I had to climb up rocks that were occassionally vertical! A large part of it was climbing up and over rocks. It was really good fun clambering up the rocks, trying to find the best way up. Some of it was on a track, but even that was quite steep, full of rocks and bush. The views of the surrounding mountains were amazing, they looked some much closer than when I looked at them from the ground. I passed several waterfalls along the way that were lovely. I have to be quite careful looking at them as there was no fence stopping you from falling off the edge. I almost got up to the bush line where there was snow, but the weather was getting worse, I now couldn't see the tops of the nearby mountains as they were covered in cloud, so I decided to go back.
The trip back was fun. I spent most of the climb on my ass as that was the easiest way to get down from the rocks. I stumbled a few times which was scary, as it you tripped you could literally fall off the mountain! That's a bit of an exageration, but not much of one.
Finally got to the bottom - the climb had taken nearly four hours. Despite the rubbish weather it was a really fun climb, with spectacular views of the surrounding mountains.
There isn't anything to do in the evening except read, which is what I'm about to do. There is a waterfall near the hostel and on ground level which is supposed to be lit up a night, so I might go and have a look at that.
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