Oh dear!!! The effects of last nights drinking definitely took their toll on Rachael today. We both woke at 9.30am after four hours sleep and desperately needed some water. We stumbled down the road and came back to bed, but it was far too hot and we couldn't get back to sleep. Tom assured Rachael that if she had some food in her belly she would feel better, so we set off down to town. As we set off down our lane two Australian lads in a pick-up pulled over and asked if we fancied a lift, of course we gratefully accepted and hopped in the back. We sat at a bar which was showing Formula 1 and ordered some food. After what seemed like ages and Rachael's hunger now turning to nausea our food arrived. Tom ate his and finished Rachael's and we walked back to our hut for a kip.
At about 4.00pm and Rachael finally feeling human again, we got our snorkels and headed down to the sea. This involved clambering down a rock face but we got there eventually and managed to see lots of fish, crabs and bright coloured coral. Unfortunately it was quite rocky and we didn't want to stand on the coral so we couldn't swim very far.
So the evening that thousands of people flock to the island for had finally arrived, The Full Moon Party. We walked along the beach where the biggest speakers we had ever seen had been erected, there were thousands of people dancing, fire throwers, people skipping with ropes that had been set on fire and lots of petrol. We had a few beers and ordered a now infamous bucket and sat back and enjoyed the party.
At about 1.30am, as the party was really just getting started we decided to head back as we are up early tomorrow to catch a boat to the neighbouring island of Ko Tao.
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