As soon as we awoke this morning, we checked out and moved to our new room. We checked in and before we had breakfast decided to make the most of being by the sea and went for a morning swim. To save money over the past few months, when possible we have been trying to do our own laundry. All of the guest houses offer the service but in our experience it's been expensive and comes back barely washed. So we've bought some soap powder and decided to do it ourselves. Tom managed to borrow a big bucket so we threw our clothes in and while we were leaving them to soak went for another swim. That afternoon Rachael treated herself for the first time on the trip and went for a manicure and pedicure while Tom sat by the sea reading his book... not a bad life is it!
With the holiday vibe going to our heads a bit, we have searched out another resort just behind ours which for £1 more has nicer rooms and a swimming pool so we've decided to move again tomorrow. We walked into town again and found some street stalls to eat at for tea, the food was great and above all really cheap.
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