Wake up quite early as I need the loo! Have to crawl under the mosquito net without waking Rikka. Properly wake up at about 7:15am as the light comes into the room. Update my blog from the last couple of days then at 8:30ish head downstairs for breakfast - cheese and onion toastie!
Go out for a walk to find how we get to the beach in the rain. Find it and start walking along it. Can see lots rain out to sea and to our right at the other end of the beach. As soon as I say "I think it's raining at the other end of the beach" we start heading back realising it is moving quite fast towards us :P
Almost immediately it starts hammering it down! Run to the bar at Siem Resort beach and sit out the rain for about an hour. A little German baby plays with Rikka's flip flops.
We then find a tattoo/piercing shop for Rikka to get her nose piercing sorted as it has got sore as the current ring from home is too small. The people there are really friendly and helpful. While Rikka gets her nose looked at I play with their puppy "Ya Ya", it looks like a tiny St Bernard but I'm not sure what breed it is.
Go back to the room to get our journals which we take to Magic Garden to update and write a postcard while waiting for lunch. I get Bruschetta which is really tasty!
Take a walk to the Tattoo place we were at earlier (Bamboo Tattoo by One) and take a look at how they do everything and see that everything is sterilised and new needles etc, and decide to get our tattoos for 1000baht!
Quite painful as it's much slower than getting a machine tattoo, but machine is still worse as it scratches more. Definitely an experience getting a bamboo tattoo. Buy some Vaseline to keep putting on our tattoos to keep clean.
Walk down to the post box we saw earlier to post our postcards.
Go to "Lonely Beach Resort" for a fruit shake, write our journals and clean our tattoos :)
Go back to the guesthouse for a shower and to get out of the clothes I've been in the last 2 days (minger). Listen to love music downstairs in the guesthouse - a little man singing who looks like Alan Chung with long hair.
Head out for a Pizza, they're just shutting up but let us stay for a pizza. Quickly eat our pizzas then go back to hostel for bed before 10pm.
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