"This is what we have waited for..."
Munich, time for beer, bratwurst and a history lesson. Maybe even all at the same time? That is in fact what we did with the walking tour. Our guide was so impressive and I learnt a lot about Munich. After all this is where the Nazi party started and the tour went through heaps of the important locations for Hitler. Most of these have had to be rebuilt after WW2. Only 4 buildings in the city are orginal still. Part of the tour was also beer and bratwurst before 1230 :).
Still in history mode we also spent a day out at Dachau. It's the oldest concerteation camp. A tour you just have to do. The stories we heard in there are just unbelievable. We walked through the main buildings, gas chambers, special prison cells in the bunker and grounds. Well worth the best part of a day.
Back on a more pleasent note we hit the beers again and ate some very Bavarian food, pork or chicken and a big pile of potato however you like it. The beer halls have the best grub. Trying to order a pint is a little hard when the waiter keep telling me a man size? That's a litre stein. No just a pint, half litre, then he continued to call me a girl laughing. Got my Weiss beer though. It's crazy here just how much beer you do end up drinking. It's cheaper to have a beer than a soft drink with your food. The city revolves around it. All the tours include a stop for beer. Weather it's a walking or bike tour all the companies are in beer gardens, even the tour guide on the booze.
Ryan unfortunately had to leave after that but by now I had Dias back and so we went and saw the Olympic park and BMW factory. The BMW world was fun for a free attraction. They had heaps of open or sectioned motors to check out, and you climb into and get photos in most of the new cars. Plus other games all related some how to BMW made it fun.
Gonna hangout here for the next few days I think. Try and see some more of the sites because I think the only chance I will have to get back is Oktoberfest, lord knows we won't do much then.
"This is it boys, this is war" - Goldfinger (covering Nena)
- comments
Nanna & Grandad I am sure you will hav tasted every drink on the planet by the time you get home. You are certainly given them all the taste test. The story continues to be fascinating and we are really enjoying hearing about your adventures. Some very interesting history is obviously being seen and good that you are taking that in. Keep the stories coming, and no doubt you will continue to enjoy. Look after yourself, stay safe. Love Nanna & Grandad xxxxxxxx